I see. I thought they landed in Colombia but were sent back to the U.S.
Thank you for the clarification
I see. I thought they landed in Colombia but were sent back to the U.S.
Thank you for the clarification
So he saw these people were transported like cattle, dehydrated and mistreated, and instead of letting them get off the planes, he’s sent them back in those same planes so he can retrieve them with normal planes?
Unless I am missing something, I feel like you’d want those people to not fly in a plane like that again.
Either the plane didn’t take off in the first place, case in which rejecting it would make sense.
Or those planes landed in Colombia, then sent back so they can be brought in proper planes, extending the suffering for no reason.
i don’t think anyone on lemmy is simply bloodlusting. The CEO getting murdered just shows how sick people are of the current system lol
People don’t necessarily actually want more murders to happen, they just want the system to be fixed. Unfortunately, it was so bad it got to this.
Now, murder is bad and it’s usually bad to go vigilante justice, however in this scenario it’s preferable over the much bigger quantity of deaths and suffering the CEO had on his hands.
There’s earthquakes in regions of Europe aswell, and climate varies by regions in Europe aswell.
So what would be the excuse for not using paper walls?
AI Training, compared to crypto, has at least been used in medicine to:
Create novel proteins based on specific requirements (useful for developing medicine): https://www.cell.com/chem/fulltext/S2451-9294(23)00139-0?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS2451929423001390%3Fshowall%3Dtrue
Detect possible cancer: https://hms.harvard.edu/news/new-artificial-intelligence-tool-cancer#:~:text=CHIEF achieved nearly 94 percent,datasets containing 11 cancer types.
And there’s many more uses you can easily find if you look into it. Don’t just assume every LLM slop is all what AI is. Even LLMs probably have their use in stuff actually relating to language, such as translation.
i drank too much last night and now i feel a bit too sick. I live alone so cleanup and cooking are a bit challenging
i see, makes sense. Its been a long time since i played HK, but you can also increase charm slots.
Also you’re not supposed to be able to use all of them at once, you have to change based on situation (although you can have one charm over thr limit at the cost of double damage received)
good luck with your custom map search though, Hollow Knight is a very good game
Why draw maps? theres an NPC that gives you a map of the current area, you can locate him by the sound he makes.
Oh and theres a charm that shows your location at all times on the map
wouldn’t a malicious app still be an exploit though? I’d say that if I download an app for playing a game, but instead it was designed to also upload my private photos to the attacker’s server, i’d say that’s still exploiting. It’s just exploiting my expectations of what the app should do, rather than leveraging a system weakness (which it probably does, anyway)
I clicked an ad for roblox in 2012 when i was a child. Probably the only ad i don’t regret clicking on, accidentally or not.
I think I also might have clicked an ad on kongregate around that same time period.
Now I use an adblocker, so I can’t really click on ads even if i wanted to
this meme image has been around far longer than AI image generation, no need to be paranoid about A.I
what about horse carriages??? road networks were built for those way before bikes existed
tinnitus and sometimes a car driving outside
Sure, sometimes it is discussed whether or not children can transition medically (p.s: it’s why they have to go through an army of doctors and psychologists), but to deny that the debate doesn’t revolve around if someone is happy or religion is ignorant.
Countless times I have seen people make the argument that transitioning has a high regret rate, countless of times I’ve seen people invoke religion and try to say being trans is a sin (what with the whole bible quote about men not wearing women clothing).
So when people debate about trans people, 90% of the time it is about someone’s happiness and getting in the way of it.
the limit got increased to 25 mb
I feel like this isn’t something about not using metric measurements but rather something to help visualisation. I’m all for using metric but it’s still nice to have something to attach to the number. Especially for bigger numbers.
Even in countries/places that use metric, i’ve seen comparisons like this like (x meters = 1 footbal stadium) and so on.
assuming no alien got there first millennia ago and then packed up and left
what’s your favourite food?