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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2023


  • thanks for the great picture 👍

    so here is the current cloud clima forecast:

    The saturated clouds will rain into the data lakes that are already overspilling here and there into the ransomstreams already taking all soil in their way with them. During the day there will be security clouds preventing from visible rain only while during the night those same security clouds rain themselves all collected data to their homelake while their homelake security already is corrupted and spills over regulary.

    As soon as the fort-cisc-pal-ocstricken-redm-ondams breach it’ll gonna have floods with multi-exabyte waveheights and the ripples of the release will be felt over to far east china and the currents will circulate around the world multiple times causing damage and devastation in their wake around the world and eventually even reach connected orbit.

    The floods will have the potential to also wash away and /or drown or choke all the big tech dinosaurs. Only small foss mammals and deep sea amphibics will survive this historic event.

    … you kinda asked for it 😉 same as “they” kinda asked for it too. 🤔

  • Democracy is mathematically impossible.

    if democracy was not possible, how does it come that the greek did democracy and it is said they were once overrun in a war because of beeing democratic? if something was a cause for a turn of a war, i pretty much believe it to really exist, no matter what some kind of half baked formulars “predicted” once.

    if democracy existed and your math says thats not possible, i’ld guess your math might simply be ‘slightly’ wrong about it or was created with (un-)intentional biases in mind ;-)

    just to note:

    in the history of human predictions based on thought through and wordly/mathmatically described rules, the most common thing afterwards was, that those rules and also their predictions were just fundamentally wrong and biased.

  • smb@lemmy.mltoMemes@lemmy.mlVoting for the lesser evil is still evil
    3 months ago

    a system where you get served only two options to vote for but are held responsible for the outcome instead of those who limited the available options in the first place?

    eh yes, you are right, this is stupid.

    as a completely unrelated sidenote:

    “winner takes it all” is the actual opposite of democracy, no matter how the voting was done, and this fact can already be read 1:1 within those 4 simple words 😉

  • Your experiences are anecdotal.

    by pulishing them they become measurable, which also removes the “anecdotal” flag with numbers, also maybe ask archaeologists how much of an evidence a complain written in papyrus actually is a “while” after it was written.

    also the studies that found out “why” public services don’t serve in the first place have become quite old* meanwhile, which is the very opposite of anecdotal, but nothing was done so far to change the known state of not serving services for decades, so why should they have changed without changing actions affecting them?

    *) i read parts of them >20 years ago and the studies observations and conclusions i read fitted 100% of what i personally experienced/witnessed from within a family “working” in such services.

  • i meant improving society and strengthen its immune system against threats that would otherwise cause collapses. imperiums cause and collapse/vanish all the time, just try to count the already vanished ones in “known” history, i guess while you are still busy counting the known ones there will be even more “newly found” by archaelogists. while lots of them just vanished without trace, some vanished but just weren’t found yet.

  • well for e2ee you obviously have to let one e encrypt the data for the other e. (good luck with newsletters then) for usual services kindly asking them to support either s/mime or gpg for outgoing emails, that would at least make them know the wish, but good luck there too.

    i think the already mentioned solution with encrypting incoming messages on your side just before mda to your inbox should be the closest possible to what op wants. one would need to check if the message is already encrypted and skip encryption for those.

    if you only want the admin of that email (imap) server to not be able to read all emails, maybe placing a separate encrypting server (smtp+encrypt+forward) inbetween outside world and your email imap server could be a solution.

    one should have a look into the logfiles too as some mailers might log message subjects and of course sender/recipients along with ip adresses of incoming/outgoing servers which the op might not want to be readable as well (i dont know protonmail that much)

    also gpg IMHO allows for sign-then-encrypt hiding the signature within the encrypted data which could be wanted. also one might want to look exactly what parts of the messages contents and its headers are encrypted or plaintext on the server before feeling safe from the threat one wants to be protected from.

  • you sound like you want to fight anti-civilisation with a non-civilised aproach, but thats not gonna do it. as you wrote “infested”, i strongly believe that becoming evil when fighting evil only helps evil. what comes next after you hung some of who you thought should acompany those oak trees for a while? you choosed to believe that would solve the problem for now, didn’t you? what would really happen (in case you dind’t just wanted to deathwish them only to experience that parasites are immune to deathwishing)? even when youre not going to jail for some reasons, you then have achieved what? wouldn’t there be another one to fill that position* who “thanks” you for helping him into it? but how would that “thank you” look like? well as you would have removed the previous one from his position and you were the “friend” of the new villain helping him into his new position, that beeing a friend immediately turns into a threat to him as soon as he ‘has’ that position and you’re not welcome any more but an enemy to take down unless you start to work with your new skills for that villain to do other dirty work for him and become another evil instead of helping against evil.

    *(where “position” is anything someone can hide behind by law)

    those hiding behind laws will always be there until those laws are adjusted, the persons might change, but the possibility of hiding behind laws would still be there and attract villains, the bigger the villain, the more attractive those laws are to him.

    try to control your anger first and become really good at it or you might end up beeing controlled by some villain using your anger for his own purposes (do you watch tv btw? do you get manipulated by it?)

    maybe step back and become a scientist instead who analyses the parasites how they do what and how they could be really be fought one day without beeing just evil but not achieving anything. and a scientist that helps others becoming parasite analysing scientists themselves.

    if you find another civilized aproach that works or at least should, plz tell me.