• 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: April 27th, 2024


  • A high-quality laptop without any branding.

    I’m currently using a 9-year-old, woefully underpowered laptop made by Xiaomi. Full aluminium unibody, and NO logo. Not printed on, not etched in, not glistening only in the right light. NO LOGO.

    I’m not a billboard. I’m not responsible for your brand recognition. Ironically though, far more people have come up to me and asked “hey, what laptop is that” than ever would have cared if there was a logo on it.

    It also just looks and feels fantastic, all-aluminium-no-logo just looks so sleek.

    So yeah. I will not be upgrading until I find another laptop of the same build quality, with no logo. Tuxedo has that option for most of their laptops, but for some reason not for their only current full-aluminium body -.-

    Oh, and don’t come at me with stickers.

  • I have been scrolling on the front page for a couple of minutes now, and I was going to write that it’s literally all conspiracy theories, but that’s not true, there’s also some “sponsored” posts AKA ads sprinkled in.

    What a sad joke.

    If you think the fediverse is too centralized, you can always host your own instance. You get all the same “free speech” benefits (plus no free-speech ban on drugs and porn), without having to put one foot into that cesspit of a site.

    Edit: oh, and that has to be the worst moderation system ever devised - at least if you are a woman or any kind of minority. Good fucking luck in finding a random jury of users who will ever, ever ban a racist or sexist piece of shit on a platform like this. Come to think of it, that’s probably the idea and justification behind the system: being able to loudly proclaim “we have a democratized ban system ensuring moderator overreach is impossible!” does make a great dogwhistle for “you can be a terrible human on here, don’t worry”

  • Hi. I’m German. I bake my own bread. My parents bake bread. My brother bakes bread.

    We freeze the bread after it’s cooled down from being baked.

    You know why?

    Because that way, it’s great even weeks later.

    Sure, nothing beats bread that’s just out of the oven. But honestly, I think I prefer bread that’s been frozen and reheated even to bread that’s only 1-2 days old.

    Waaaaaay Less stale.

  • Generally I agree with everyone else, Linux Mint is great.

    However, if you really want to not worry at all, you could just buy a laptop from e.g. Tuxedo or System76. They come with Linux preinstalled (I think in the case of Tuxedo at least, you even have a choice of which Linux Distro?), and are guaranteed to have no hardware “difficulties” with Linux, i.e. even if you put another distro on it, you won’t encounter driver issues.

    (Those have become very rare anyways, but do put a damper on the “Firsttime Linux Experience” if you do encounter them…)

  • Generally I agree with everyone else, Linux Mint is great.

    However, if you really want to not worry at all, you could just buy a laptop from e.g. Tuxedo or System76. They come with Linux preinstalled (I think in the case of Tuxedo at least, you even have a choice of which Linux Distro?), and are guaranteed to have no hardware “difficulties” with Linux, i.e. even if you put another distro on it, you won’t encounter driver issues.

    (Those have become very rare anyways, but do put a damper on the “Firsttime Linux Experience” if you do encounter them…)

  • And then the warlords steal the food and redistribute it as they see fit.

    No, you are willfully misunderstanding my point.

    There are still places in the world where slavery is legal, for fuck’s sake. Do you really, truly think things like this could still be true in 2024 if money and what/who you can buy/hire were actually the solution?


    Throwing money at solving the surface layer issues / symptoms is moot, but yes, for every new layer of problem you uncover you can ask “so what are the causes for that” until you reach something that can be fixed wit money.

    Og, and I do not believe that this has anything to do with world peace. The nations on earth without hunger problems aren’t peaceful utopias either, after all. But on the other hand, hunger does seem to cause a lot of instability…

  • You can’t just throw money at the problem and expect it to just be solved. There are real underlying societal and infrastructure issues in a lot of impoverished countries that need to be solved in order for hunger to be solved. You could ship a billion tons of food to a single starving region and there would still be millions of starving people.

    That’s a strawman. No-one said “they should just, like, buy enough food to feed the hungry”.

    When people say it would cost x to solve world hunger, they are talking about those “underlying societal and infrastructure issues”.

    So, yes. Everything can be solved with money. You can hire people to “fundamentally understand local political dynamics”, invest in research, pay to fund the programs that will enable impoverished regions to develop the means to build the infrastructure to feed themselves.

    Additionally, simply handing out food would kill the domestic food industry (because who would buy food when billionaires are giving it away for free) and would make the country even more problematic.

    Just because this is the idea you have in mind for how to solve hunger, and it is, as you rightly stated, a fucking stupid idea, doesn’t make it the only idea.