Hmm, interesting. I mean, I personally do not engage in specific projects. In my case, I did not find e.g. large enough mathematics server and PL community server in Matrix. This made me rarely visit matrix…
Hmm, interesting. I mean, I personally do not engage in specific projects. In my case, I did not find e.g. large enough mathematics server and PL community server in Matrix. This made me rarely visit matrix…
Thought we werr talking about the communities.
Can I know about this “nothing forever” hiccup?
Cash keeps rolling
That has been because of the liquidity. Now see what happens as liquidity dries up.
I wanna see what happens as the inevitable market crash comes!
Average-looking men, obviously.
Huh, I never said ugly. Do not put words in my mouth.
I did not meet women in person, but I heard lots of them just hang out on instagram, posting their best moments online. Ofc similar for some good-looking men as well. That’s why I assume most people here are either men or lgbtq+.
Jokes on you, I get dopamine boosts on lemmy as well.
Oh. I thought I talked exclusively about math, but I wasn’t. I guess cultural norms are still heavily influencing everything.
By the way, is it possible that the connotation of “nerds” is driving girls away?
I do think less girls are in the tech, especially mathematics. It could be mysogynistic, but my mother explains this as that most girls are less adept at highly specialized areas, compared to men.
Could be a bell curve thing, idk.
Thank god I do not use python.
Why is it declining rn?
I… I just cannot accept this reality. How did I, how do people, how… how could this misfortune happen???
But… but they are soo small and fragile-looking!
Do you mean goldfishes are like koi? I cannot fathom that, like… is it really?
Oh that’s me
You are not a true renewable energy bro if you allow nuclear to be built /hj