Judging by the title alone, it sounds like the critics are pushing him.
Judging by the title alone, it sounds like the critics are pushing him.
Perhaps memorize the location, or keep a piece of paper on your person (or a note on your phone) that tells you where it is?
Tesla cars also have notoriously poor build quality, especially for the price; if you must buy an electric car, at this point, as far as I can tell, Hyundai cars are much better built. (Of course, we do need to remember that electric cars do not solve the problem of car dependency.)
There is a burger chain in Canada called The Burger’s Priest, which is a religion-themed chain with several religious references on the walls. I only ever visited one when I did DoorDash and was picking up a customer’s order, so I don’t know how good they are.
Are you forklift certified?
Why is it that I have always pictured him looking fitter than this?
How’s that reactor in Zaporizhzhia doing, by the way?
My brother and I have carried a portable AC unit to his apartment once. We dragged it across the parking lot to the bus stop, took it on the bus, took it off the bus, crossed the road, took it into the building, and carried it into the elevator. In our case, I’d say it was worth it; the bus stop was right across the street from the building, so a car would not have reduced the effort by much. And the reason we even bought that AC unit was that the one my brother ordered on Amazon got stolen.
It seems they still use dessert-based codenames internally. Apprently, Android 13 is Tiramisu, and Android 14 is Upside-Down Cake.
Speaking of which, it reminds me of the curse “May your wife give birth to a centipede so that you have to spend the rest of your life working to buy shoes for it”.
At least they’re not big enough to fuck you.
In English, we have “making a mountain out of a molehill”.
My wild guess is that “I’m not your mother” could be an explicit denial of sympathy, carrying the implication of “you’re being a whiny bitch”.
The worst part about this is that I’m inclined to believe that this story is real.
David Koch died, which is a very good thing he did for humanity.
Btw, what is an acoustic bike?
It’s a joking term for a non-electric bike.
From what I can tell, Zero does that shit that Tesla and BMW do, where you have to pay to unlock features that your car/motorcycle already has. Which is a shame, because the idea of owning an electric motorcycle, particularly a highway-capable one, intrigues me.
So the thief climbed up to your balcony to steal your bike? What floor do you live on?
I bought a convertible Chromebook some time ago specifically to use as a sheet music reader, because the tablet I was using for that purpose was too small.
Could that also be a sign that the person is simply older?