• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 6th, 2023


  • It helps to think about this as a spectrum, as more features become available more people will make the switch to Linux. Not everyone will be able to swich to Linux at the same time, and some people will never switch.

    Gaming was major bottleneck, even I, a person using Linux full time for the past 20 years, I used to maintain a Windows disk to play games. Only in the past couple of years I was able to sunset my windows setup, hopefully to never touch windows ever again. I had to drop a couple of games but it got to the point where rebooting to a OS wasn’t worth it, as most of my games worked flawlessly without any tweaking.

    There are many major pros to the Linux desktop environment, but we still need major software applications to become portable. The workflow of an average office worker is still not Linux compatible. Of course there are office alternatives, but they are not as easy to use. Though, IMO the oss world is hurting by trying to copy ms when their products are so horrible… Hopefully, the EU will drop some major cash at the issue with all these talks about digital sovereignty.

  • Are you high? 🤣 Jokes aside, I would be interested to know why you are asking these questions.

    1. Yes, I am intelligent, a lot of people have been impressed by the speed I digest a new piece of information.
    2. I have wisdom to know that intelligence plays a very insignificant part in shaping my identity. As for putting my intelligence into good use, I am not sure I can answer yes. I am too idealistic for my own good.
    3. IMO humans are unique and similar at the same time. Though, we got to be careful when trying to identify our similarities (see biopolitics, especially M. Foucault).

  • IMO we need to break it in a few independent but cooperating decentralized systems;

    1. A transportation service where consumers will request the transportation of goods or people from point A to point B, and providers will make bids for those requests.
    2. A storage service where providers will offer storage of goods at specific locations, and consumers that make requests for the storage.
    3. A LC service, where two parties can enter an letter-of-credit (LC) contract, and providers can guarantee the contract.

    If these systems are available, it would be possible to implement additional decentralized services like;

    • Marketplaces.
    • Passenger transportation services.
    • Food delivery.
    • Probably many more.

  • I know you are asking for something different, but since there are already a few good answers, allow me to instead to reject the premise and give you a different.

    It’s not impossible to implement an AI solution within the context your provided. The problem is that it’s going to be expensive. However, you can offer to deliver something smaller, focus on the smallest but valuable contribution you can make. While cleaning up the data is still going to be a hell of task, if the scope is small enough it can be achievable. Then, you can communicate the difficulty to scale due to data issues which can help management undestand the importance of prioritizing data quality.

    If you have a bunch of sales data, maybe you can focus on deriving purchase patterns and build a simple recommendations engine. If you want to focus on marketing, you could try lead classification. Ideas depend on the domain of the company you work for.

  • I can provide some context from Greece.

    First of all, the unemployment rate is high. The official figure is currently at 12.5% but has been steadily decreasing from its peak of 27.7% in 2013. The real numbers are probably higher since people that haven’t been employed within the last few years are not accounted.

    As a result, labour rights are non-existent, overtime is rarely paid, wages have been stagnant since 2008, it is really common to work in unsafe conditions, and worker abuse occurs so often noone bats an eye.

    While we do have unions more often than not they are powerless. For example, last year we had a major train accident (57 people died), the goverment blamed the train workers, their response was pretty much “our strikes for the safety issues that lead to the accident were deemed illegal, while our attempts to raise the issues were dismissed by the ministry of transportation”.

    We have had major nationwide protests with more than a million of people taking to the streets, but noone feels like that ever lead to anywhere.

    IMO one of the greatest problems is the lack of information. Mainstream media are corrupt, and independent media are sabotaged or persecuted by the government. People do not know their rights, we have been trying to survive for so long that we cannot imagine a better future, and that allows employers to freely profit from laborers.

    One interesting development is that lately more collectives are popping here and there, from coffee shops to softwafe development houses, more and more people are fed up and try to take matters on their own hands (even if in absolute numbers they are still very few).

  • In it, Walz argues that the lessons of the “Jewish Holocaust” should be taught “in the greater context of human rights abuses,” rather than as a unique historical anomaly or as part of a larger unit on World War II. “To exclude other acts of genocide severely limited students’ ability to synthesize the lessons of the Holocaust and the ability to apply them elsewhere,” he wrote.

    What an antisemite, he wants people to learn so such acts of horror never happen again.

    Edit: Obviously, I am being sarcastic, I totally agree with Walz.

  • It depends on the field you are studying. I was into CS, using Linux was recommended because the machines they used to test our code were also running linux.

    Most fields are going to be okay with linux, the only exception being fields that rely on specialized software like architects, engineers, and audio/video editing. Also, some software like MatLab are possible to run on Linux but it’s a pain to set them up.