It is.
It is.
And now I’ve ditched Proton. Andy Yen’s comments made me skeptical, but I was still confident that their mission was intact. This move, to a social media platform with a demonstrated willingness to censor non-corporatist views, confirms my fears that they are giving up their principles.
I think this is right on the money.
Bitwarden integrates directly with several email alias providers:
What do you mean by that?
True, but that’s defense by concealment. If they notice the domain, they can block it without harming their business. My argument is that iCloud is too large for them to block.
There are other options for email aliases. iCloud has a pretty robust system, and its ubiquity makes it less likely to be filtered.
You’ve got two Cleopatra stories mixed up there.
She was said to bathe in ass’s (donkey’s) milk.
She killed herself by holding an asp (snake) to her breast.
Not going to disagree with that, but you’re responding to somebody who obviously has no background in physics, and it strikes me as a reasonable balance between conceptual (“hand wavy”) and detailed enough.
This is an excellently written response.
It’s utterly bizarre. The customers lose out by receiving an inferior product at the same cost. The workers lose out by having their employment terminated. And even the company loses out by having its reputation squandered. The only people who gain are the executives and the ownership.
Unfortunately, they can multitask
True, but I’m asking what they can do, and that’s far from clear. What do you suggest?
I agree completely. It’s clear we’re in need of much stronger constitutional safeguards.
As you pointed out, they attempted to subpoena Musk and the republicans voted it down. They’ve also introduced articles of impeachment, which they successfully put through last time only to have senate republicans refuse to convict on the basis that trump was no longer president.
Politely, I think this comment is unhelpful. What do you propose that they do? Our government is based to a large degree on the assumption of good faith. The Supreme Court, for example, has power because the constitution says it does. They don’t have the capacity to actually enforce the rulings they hand down.
The current president has basically said that he doesn’t care about the constitution, and is just concerned with stealing power for himself and his cronies. Elections are supposed to be our mechanism for dealing with that.
I’m aware. The collateral for the credits are EV sales, hence my shorthand.
It appears at the moment that the instructions were acknowledged and that the helicopter pilots were mistaken about which plane they were avoiding, not that they ignored instructions.
And regardless, the purpose of an air traffic controller is to monitor traffic continuously. Having the prescribed number of atcs would have made space for the tower to see that the helicopter was on a collision course and act to avoid it.
You misread the sheet slightly. The total profit for the year was $7.1 billion, of which $2.8 billion was renewable energy credits. I.e. their profit would have only been $4.3 billion.
What workplace is this that has dorms?