Also this only applies in private browsing mode, which people usually aren’t in
Also this only applies in private browsing mode, which people usually aren’t in
I hate that Lemmy is being infiltrated by AI ad spam now too :’(
This is such an obvious ad, nobody is falling for it
“It never happened to me personally so it must not be real” — this is the mindset that conservatives follow that leads to so much cruelty in the world
That’s like saying if you support gay rights protestors, you have to also support nazi protestors, or you’re being hypocritical. You’re looking at things on the wrong axis.
The data on your console is just a url address that points at a Nintendo server. That server is going offline. So if we don’t get the url before it goes offline, we can’t download the url.
The point of freeways is to go as fast as possible. There’s no houses or kids playing on them. Why would we try any kind of traffic calming (aka slowing) on them? That’s probably why you can’t find any
Ok but you could also see how much they are paying other people which I feel like would even things out.
“We see you currently make 50k, so we’re gonna offer you 60k”
“I see you are paying everyone else 80k for the same job, so I won’t take any less”
I’ve stopped reporting obvious scams / spam on instagram because something like 19 out of 20 reports get ignored or denied
Trump posts fake images of himself all the time, I think it’s only fair we get to post some too
If a game can be cheated by using a 3rd party controller then the only skill involved in the game is how fast you can press the buttons, so who cares?
The water is making the frogs gay!!
Asks a sweeping general question
Gets a sweeping general answer
pikachu shocked face
Jeff Bezos is embezzling?
“A real 24bit flac takes longer to download than play” if you have dialup maybe. I don’t think you can even legally call it “broadband” if your internet is slower than a flac bitrate
It’s sad that a significant portion of their customers don’t believe black lives matter and that as usual money is more important than that to corporations
They’ve all got cell phone modems in them essentially. They use LTE or whatever it’s called these days.
I’m confused, my comment is not valid because amazon is a hospital now?
*your crazy
Just FYI of the bank bailouts in the US, the banks paid back the bailout plus interest back to the government. Meaning the govt actually made a profit off the bailout. There’s a lot of things wrong with both banks and the govt, but generally this is not one of them.