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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 5th, 2023


  • I don’t think it’s literally a search and replace but a part of the prompt that is hidden from the user and inserted either before or after the user’s prompt. Something like [all humans, unless stated otherwise, should be ethnically ambiguous]. Then when generating it’s got confused and taken it as he should be named ethnically ambiguous.

  • We want to make sure the increasing use of digital payments occurs in a way that helps promote greater competition, innovation and productivity across our entire economy.

    If we are to take this stated goal at face value it would seem to be a good thing. Getting ahead of the curve before the tech giants find a way to turn these products against us.

    The problem is a lot of Australian’s will not take this at face value especially in the current climate of the movement away from physical cash. It’s hard to give them the benefit of the doubt that they are doing this to protect the Australian people with the lack of any sort of harm or complaint. Feel free to point out if there’s something I’m not thinking about regarding this point.

    Personally, this smells extremely fishy to me and the most likely explanation in my mind is that they want to kneecap the tech giants and allow our financial sector to push in this space. I can’t imagine CBA, ANZ, etc particularly enjoying their control over this space being eroded. They have every opportunity to innovate in the space but they’re clearly lacking the drive to do so. Instead of improving competition by forcing the big banks to step up, they’re knee capping actual innovation.

  • It’s the fact that there is no extradition treaty in place that would give a legal basis to get him back making it not so easy. Also, the justice department only agreed on letting him out on bail only because they could thought they could manage the flight risk by imposing travel restrictions. It says all this in the article.

    This part is my opinion but seeing as he helped launder money for terrorist groups, many of which are based in that region of the world, combined with the other resources at his disposal, there is a definite risk that he has a “change of heart” and attempts to evade his sentence.

    Knowingly and willfully laundering hundreds of millions of dollars for Iran, Syria, North Korea, Russia, and people engaging in the exploitation of children is definitely villainous. More so than Trump.

    1. Yes this is a big deal. Some important apps are missing. While I’m not in an area that has ESPN I have noticed the lack of CrunchyRoll.

    2. I can’t even get cast support because my TV has MiraCast and AirPlay but my fucking Pixel doesn’t support either, only ChromeCast.

    3. I used to have a pi-hole setup working properly with the TV, i.e., blocking tracking but keeping functionality.

    Real issues and definitely not perfect but when I’ve used other TVs it’s the every action that is unbearable for me. Using a TV without a magic remote just seems obsolete and especially on the Android based TVs there’s sooo much lag.