Are you thinking of going for oat scrambled eggs or egg porridge?
Are you thinking of going for oat scrambled eggs or egg porridge?
Solidarity to our Swedish comrades, showing Tesla the power of united labour!
It has gone so wrong because liberalism has failed. We need political movements which serve the people, not the corporations.
They’re talking about the rendering speed, not the playback speed.
I learn such a huge amount from every one of their videos! Has quickly become one of my absolute favourite channels.
I’ve got a MYLR and the sustained acceleration is terrifying, its very seldom that I floor it.
The M3P must be bonkers since its lighter, lower and more powerful.
Yes, the Model Y is the best selling car in Norway ever, but your smooth brain knows much better than everyone who has been in the market and purchased one because it was the best option for them.
Presumably because it uses LFP battery cells? If that’s the case, then the lower rated range is not as important since those cells tolerate many charge cycles to 100%.
One typically only charges to 80% with other Li battery chemistries so one effectively loses that top 20% of range.
These “uber commands” tend to be much better since they are more explorable with --help
explanations and readable flags.
Much better than the random jumble of characters you’re expected to have memorised for awk, sed, find et al.
Audiobooks! I listen to The Sleepy Bookshelf, but anything will do, there are lots of free audiobooks on YT etc too.
I use a sleep timer so it’ll stop playing after half an hour.
Covid was also found in blood samples in Norway from 2019 https://www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/i/RrQw05/coronaviruset-kan-ha-vaert-i-norge-allerede-i-2019-forandrer-historien
No I prefer to fall asleep mid morning when I’m awake and alert after two coffees