But we did shoot it down…
But we did shoot it down…
Why so many upvotes for an advertisement?
This whole article is speculation. I’m speculating that what they are speculating about is bit incorrect, specifically the point you are making.
The nukes in space aren’t intended for space targets, they are intended for earth targets.
The race to the bottom will work great in underregulated labor markets or anywhere regulations on environmental and safety standards are relaxed. The issue (no problem, because I believe there should be tough regulation) is that there is now a baseline that you can’t really go under unless you cut corners somehow.
I’ve been working in construction in the SF Bay Area for over 15 years.
Man, I would love a 3 bedroom apartment for that!
Living in SF Bay area.
The problem with point 4 is that no developers are going to undertake it unless they can make a significant profit. If the addition of new housing has the potential to lower the ROI where is the insentive to build?
If the government decides that they will be the developer/investor then the whole project is definitely going to lose money because contractors will ALWAYS milk a government project.
Poor Mexico 😢
Alright, you seem to have identified the problem now what do you think the solution is? Gun violence seems to be the worst in the areas with the most guns, is that just a human issue?
Well, you don’t have that many brain cells in the areas people are doing that thinking.
This simplifies driving greatly. I’ll be pedal to the metal most of the time I’m not braking.
I understand what you are saying, but the US constitution is pretty clear about the federal government being in control of the borders while it says nothing about drugs and the laws around them.
Why bother with a mousepad at all? All it really serves as is an exclusion zone for energy drinks and dirty dishes.
I guess we can make some assumptions about the school board members and funding sources.
I’m assuming that OP is referring to the white (sometimes foam, sometimes shitty microfiber) packing material that is placed between the keyboard and screen for shipping. Since most mice are optical based the tracking surface doesn’t really matter unless you are someone who needs extreme precision so this “keyboard cover” would probably be fine.
The dark circles around his eyes tell me he doesn’t sleep.
Well people like you aren’t the issue so much as you are the enablers.
My man Louis Rossman needs to take a chill-pill and get some sleep. Dudes heart isn’t going to last very long. Let someone else take the reigns for a while.
Automated money laundering.
Fresh Graphene. In order to get stock Android back you would need to install it back on your phone. A factory reset removes all data, settings, and apps that were put on the phone by the user.