Or he could just say he wants to repeal the law here and overnight republicans with their majorities will rush to pass a law to do just that while pretending they had nothing to do with initial law, after they’ve finished fellating him, of course.
Or he could just say he wants to repeal the law here and overnight republicans with their majorities will rush to pass a law to do just that while pretending they had nothing to do with initial law, after they’ve finished fellating him, of course.
Yeah, someone should tell the guy at the bar checking IDs to piss off too. And what’s with these fucks at the pharmacy demanding to see my medical license. They shouldn’t be hassling me because someone else might be writing illegal scripts.
Temporarily. Ultimately if you can’t get houses adequately insured, banks won’t lend money to invest in properties in areas prone to fires. Once they burn, they won’t be rebuilt.
Fair enough. Not temps then.
It would not surprise me in the least to find out a big heatmonster like those X3D chips will hit throttling temps at idle if the CPU fans stop spinning. Probably within seconds of booting. Can you check the actual clock speeds of the cores at idle/load? See if you’re geting anywhere close to your 5.whatever ghz.
I mostly stay home and don’t go outside home except for work, so please recommend something inside my comfort zone
reads as:
please tell me how to find the fulfillment I’m missing without growing or changing
To which the only reasonable response is: No.
Make something. Electronic gizmos. Wooden thingamabobs. Textile whosawhatits. Repair lawnmowers. Whatever speaks to you. Find other people who do it already, learn from them.
Better still, make a better world—find a local civic group and volunteer. Put up animal boxes. Walk dogs at the shelter. Pick up garbage. Engage with vulnerable kids. Feed the needy.
What you’re feeling is far from novel or singular. I have no idea how we as a society have managed to forget how to deal with it. It is the very reason anyone does any of those things.
This one, any mention of temps is conspicuously absent. OP should check them immediately.
Drug tests. A lot of cups have a temperature sensor to foil would be fakers bringing someone else’s pee with them.
Bullshit. Libraries have book & game clubs. They host speakers, authors, and musicians. They offer short classes in typing, office software, graphics software. All of it is free of charge. You could easily spend 4-5 nights a week hanging out at a library chatting of you wanted.
Hip Hip
I’m sure they’re contesting all of it. There isn’t a downside and a conviction depends on the state having all its ducks in a row, which they do fuck up sometimes.
There is also even a real possibility that he’s innocent and they’re trying to pin it on him.
You shouldn’t assume you know things you’ve not done before. Student loan relief through bankruptcy is not ‘next to impossible’. Since the new guidelines were drafted for judges about 98% of student debt holders seeking bankruptcy had some or all of their loans discharged.
You should also be aware that not all studen loan debt is equal. The higher requirements for discharge only apply to loans for tuiton specifically. If you got extra in your loans for computers, car, room, board, etc, then those amounts are treated like any other unsecured debt during bankruptcy.
There are articles/guidelines/worksheets that you can find on the Dept of Education and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau websites to help you get a good idea of how your specific situation is likely to turn out.
I’ve always been of a mind that the real reason is the one they’ll never admit: it makes a liar out of their self-aggrandizement. It has to really hurt the ego to see all the work still getting done, or even [gasp] more work getting done the less they are involving themselves in other people’s tasks.
help me get started
You mean help her get started, right? Science fair is for kids, after all.
As a has-been science fair dad the best advice I can give: pick a different project. If you want to build a voice activated drawing robot with her at home, go for it. Sounds like a wonderful time and a great project for a girl interested in robotics.
It’s a bad science fair project for a primary student. Science fair projects, first and foremost, need to be the entrants own work. They should be able explain the ‘what’ and ‘how’ of all the steps and actually be able to do them. “[Dad/Mom]…” can be an explanation sometimes, but not this time. Second, unless it is an ‘engineering’ fair, it need to contain a testable hypothesis that is, you know, tested. If your project does not primarily involve measuring something, it’s almost certainly not right for a science fair. Third, rein it in a bit. You have chosen a huge project. It’s the kind of thing that could genuinely take months of your time even as an experienced roboticist. At least for a young kid, pick something where the write-up is most of the work. You should be able to do 90% of the experimental work in an afternoon. It can take longer to finish, but in a ‘checking in’ kind of way; waiting for mold to grow or an egg shell to dissolve.
Not trying to be a dick, but I really believe sticking with this project is setting you both up for failure.
At this point anyone still writing articles with the unstated premise that Americans are paying enough attention and in possession of enough information to have their voting choices influenced by actual policy proposals and their real-world effects should be stuffed into sacks and hit with sticks.
and there’s always weird ass bugs and issues and a ton of involuntary learning involved
The issue is not that Linux is more or less buggy/difficult than Windows. It’s that you’re conditioned to already understand Windows’ bugginess/difficulty. I dual-booted for some of xp, all of 7 and much of 10. I found once I got comfortable enough with both, there were perhaps slighly fewer deep problems on Windows, but they were always much more difficult to rectify.
But I understand if you don’t want to take the time to get to that point, learning isn’t for everyone.
What on earth could ever make anyone think this is ok?
You’re telling me the same guy who was proclaimed some kind of modern ninja-spy-assassin-genius on the back of his work in NYC was just stupidly waltzing around Altoona carrying an illegal ghost gun?
I think you’re overestimating the relevant attention spans.
Not enough foil, maybe add a couple old cds.