ゴースト Go–TsuTo
ス is su
ツ is tsu
decoy snails
I’m sorry
And I’ve heard the majority of his kids are IVF/surrogate… does Leon even fuck?
Did you mean “would of”
It’s Bozo the clown’s clown girlfriend with whom he cheated on his wife. Now they cosplay rural Americans in photoshoots with pickup trucks and cowboy hats to seem relatable because having a super yacht that has its own yacht is pretty goddamn extravagant.
I’m glad you had the means and ability to get your daughter out and you’re a good parent for prioritizing her safety and well being.
Sorry to be annoying but you emigrate from and immigrate to.
Reddit lounge or something? It’s nice to have forgotten this stuff!
Also OPM was that Heaven is a Halfpipe band.
If I die before I wake/ at least in heaven I can skate/ 'cause right now on Earth I can’t do shit/ without the man fucking with it.
Everything’s different in my world, Let me explain!
🎶 I look at things in a different
Uhhh actually it was Red #4, man obviously
It’s a song lyric
Yeah, they called those “silk” for a while but I’m pretty sure they’ve always been plastic.
I looked into this a few years ago and what I found suggested that the tied or stapled bags should be fine. It’s the crimped edges bags you want to watch out for; plastic particles in the paper are how the edges are fused.
Are they not already telling those stories?
Do we not get to count all the foreskins he’s eaten?