He’s right to point out that either no alternative is offered or the alternative is just more regulated capitalism with a stronger safety net.
He’s right to point out that either no alternative is offered or the alternative is just more regulated capitalism with a stronger safety net.
There’s never any real discussion of detailed fixes in this kind of complaint—because that might acknowledge we can fix the problem without overthrowing the system. There’s never any argument about how under socialism (or some other alternative economic model) public policy tradeoffs, political failures, or scarcity just wouldn’t exist.
That’s certainly a way you can describe something.
From my basic understanding
Greater = the area including and around a city
Metro = the parts of a community within some sort of combined local government
Like any of you teenagers actually have jobs anyway
Yeah Biden definitely should have nominated someone earlier, then that person could have been waiting for an even longer time before finally getting confirmation and that would definitely result in something being different.
No way, everyone knows that Biden can easily change all of the federal government whenever he wants to but just chooses not to because he’s a big meanie and only ever does anything so that he’s just 1% less bad than Trump.
First step - both chambers of Congress approve a draft amendment by a 2/3rds vote, or a “convention” called by the legislatures of the states (understood to mean 2/3rds of the states) adopts a draft amendment.
Then 3/4ths of the legislatures have to pass the adopted amendment, or conventions in 3/4 of the states (which a state’s legislature can call).
Biden: beware of oligarchy
Losers who didn’t vote for him or Kamala: STFU OLD MAN