I can only speak to my own experience, but maybe?
Also, I lied about being American and participated in this thread anyways.
I can only speak to my own experience, but maybe?
Also, I lied about being American and participated in this thread anyways.
That chocolate milk comes from brown cows.
When I discovered the truth, I learned an important lesson about betrayal.
The addAddress call may just be configuring the local side of the VPN. It’s hard to know without looking at the rest of the code.
The general workflow when establishing a VPN connection is:
addAddress may just be part of the configuration. A very cursory search suggests that OpenVPN may be being used as the underlying VPN implementation framework (not uncommon).
That would be a highly specific casual conversation!
Source. For research purpose.
The Internet’s Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Q6Fzbgs_Lg
Aaron created RSS, and was an early developer of Reddit. A visionary of accessible information and information technology.
Since his death, the direction the internet has gone has been in ways that he would very much be taking issue with.
The simple answer is yes.
It’s possible to encode or tunnel anything over any protocol.
The next question is why isn’t it done more?
For the above reasons it’s actually more common to see other protocols run on top of http. This is especially common to prevent blocking and censorship by making the traffic look like normal http traffic when it may actually be private messaging apps, file transfers, VPN, etc.