Notice his lips are moving. That tells you he’s lying
Notice his lips are moving. That tells you he’s lying
Anyone claiming Belgium was founded because of its road infrastructure has never traveled those roads…
Uranium also helps in the overpopulation department
Off topic. This is definitely not a shitpost
Upvote nonetheless
Notice the source of this article. This is just manufacturing consent for Israel and the US to again bomb Iran.
Alright that guy’s gonna get the most ripped statue ever
Because Project 2025 policies are best executed drunk
I think I like her
Use knives and poison
American ‘solutions’ for American problems
Hot bubbling shit on wheels
Ah yes he’s such a poor, poor victim
Anyone still on Twitter now is actively part of the problem
If you’re still on Twitter by now, you’re actively part of the problem
Macron is right tho
Are they also abandoning Twitter in equal measure? If so, great. If not, amateurs.
Sorry, it’s just a way of
Either an ex cop dog, or an ex grower’s dog