When I was 11, an entire class of students and the biology professor were adamant that snakes do not have skeletons. I knew for a fact this was false because I had seen one at the museum.
When I was 11, an entire class of students and the biology professor were adamant that snakes do not have skeletons. I knew for a fact this was false because I had seen one at the museum.
It’s not that amazing. To be a registrar, you have to pay $10k for the privilege, then pay for multiple audits that you must pass (if you fail them you do not get reimbursed), and then you get to profit like $2 per domain per year, and you have to maintain high availability server farms, pay for the electricity, pay for the sysadmins, pay for the audits every year etc
There’s a reason Google stopped doing it after they got their .google tld
Either Seagate is doing it or all the retailers get them from the same source (which may not be Seagate) that is doing it or is contaminated by fulfillment pooling
It’s quite lucid. The new thing uses a fraction of compute compared to the old thing for the same results, so Nvidia cards for example are going to be in way less demand. That being said Nvidia stock was way too high surfing on the AI hype for the last like 2 years, and despite it plunging it’s not even back to normal.
Hamas wouldn’t kill me because I’d be killed by an Israeli sniper for daring to be there
Also, Jesus probably wasn’t born in 1AD. as a matter of fact is 1AD the year after Christmas where Jesus was born (so he was born in 1BC) or was Jesus not born for the vast majority of 1AD until a week before the end of year?
Crazy what assimilating pagan holidays will do to a religion
He was already a weirdo before the money, well adjusted people don’t create face match or whatever he called it
I don’t think this is your specific issue but I’m sharing just in case.
Once I had a similar problem and the root cause was basically that in the course of unplugging all USB shit just in case, I replugged my VR headset in a different port. That caused the entire system to become very unresponsive and the logs we’re not helping at all. Maybe you left a bad USB plugged in from something? Probably not but it’s free to check.
You should look in dmesg, it’s always a mess but maybe your issue appears there.
That is without a doubt the single most stupid thing I’ve heard this entire week
Dunno I stole it for !femcelmemes
Block any and all ads, then it doesn’t matter that they have your data if they can’t make money off of it (they still will do that by creating data aggregates but you can’t control that)
It can, insofar as it will make it beep due to lack of signal and will alert the authorities as to your last know position
No that one’s fine actually
A lot of them are in fact queer but they’re so repressed that the only way they perceive they have to keep being a part of their community is to be as homophobic as possible
Good being done for bad reasons is still good
There could theoretically be a vulnerability in your browser that would allow them to infect you with viruses, but such vulnerabilities are much much more valuable used elsewhere (or cashed in through security research bounties). One I’ve seen is that the page further phishes you into downloading and installing an “update” to your browser that’s really a virus, or they simply try to phish you out of money, for example by asking you to pay the shipping costs again.
It’s also a way to build lists of who actually clicks the links, that they resell to the next sucker (scamming is suckers all the way down, they all buy The Next Big Technique from some guy), ensuring you will get further spam in the future.
There’s actually a fun technique to do to avoid further spams when it comes to voice calls. A little know fact is that elevator call buttons are actually just phones that have a phone number, and if you dial the number, it will automatically answer and you will hear whatever is in the elevator (generally nothing). If you pick up but don’t say a word, their automated systems will flag you as an elevator phone number and they will stop calling in order to stop wasting resources on calling numbers that won’t lead to money.
I guess the url it gave me was the literal mastodon post. I found this in [email protected], it’s common to see mastodon posts there because everyone loves to tag @firefox and I guess mastodon resolves it to the most active community?
Doesn’t this mean that the system is never up to date? If so, please don’t.