Maybe I need more wetness ;p
Maybe I need more wetness ;p
I just soak the sheets in water whilst making the other elements then construct otherwise I’ve found sometimes you get crunchy lasagne.
I feel this so hard. If I could just have a pill that would properly supply my body with all the nutrients and sustenance it needs I would 100% do it and then just eat one or two actual meals a week for the flavours.
I liked their early stuff and this was probably about 9 or 10 years ago now that I saw them when they were on the dog mask kick. Since then I haven’t followed them or know anything about them so not sure what is problematic. Any more info?
Yeh sorry for the little rant there, not aimed at you personally, just being reminded of it pissed me off a new xD
Mushroomhead at a small venue were amazing, I’ve been to the venue so many times and never seen anyone do anything interesting but they were there were impressive lighting and water on the drums that was flying everywhere catching the light. Was great.
Sub Focus and Chase & Status in a tiny little venue (Chinese Laundry in Sydney) that was like a little grotto. Ceiling so low I couldn’t even stretch my arms up straight with sweet raining on everyone. Amazing.
Die Antwoord with a load of acid in my system was pretty intense.
Finally the entire Shambhala festival in Canada. The DJ playing obviously increases enjoyment but the stages are so fucking mind blowing that it is without a doubt the best live music experience I have had!
I haven’t look at it in a while as I was pissed off that it went down the way it did. Although I personally didn’t contact indiegogo many people from the backers within the comments did so and indiegogo refused to do anything about it. So they are complicit in this theft too so by extension I wouldn’t advise anyone to use their “service” either.
I did have a look at the campaign because of this comment and nothing has changed, lots of people still complaining about planet computers and indiegogo so it doesnt look like anyone got anywhere in terms of getting their money back.
Was using connect for nearly two years but more and more issues are being introduced and old ones not solved despite a few updates this last month. So currently I have moved over to Voyager, I prefer the way connect is laid out etc but Voyager actually works and as a bonus I can moderate from it.
Do NOT give these fucking cunts any fucking money. I was a backer for this phone on indiegogo.
They are liars when they eventually did communicate any updates during the project. They produced around 2000 units, most of which were sent to people who backed the project years after the first backers on indiegogo because they backed on a different platform.
Ultimately they just shut down the kickstarter giving no actual details. They stole thousands of peoples money through that. They made a product with the money people contributed to back the project and then just shuttered the project so they wouldn’t need to deliver a device to these backers.
I didn’t realise they were now trying to sell them again but the units that did get shipped were massively out of date and barely worked as it is.
If you want a keyboard on a phone Unihertz are about your only option right now.
Fuck planet computers, thieving fucking cunts
Oh yeh I 100% know it is beneficial and like you I have staved off issues my family seem to all suffer with by strengthening and generally staying fit. However the last couple of years I have broken each foot (1 running and the other kick boxing) and coming into my third year of different shoulder problems.
I’m seeing a physio and sorting it all out but in my 20s and early 30s I was either lucky or just didn’t seem to get injured. Now it looks like it will be a regular occurrence and it is super demotivating. I will however, not give up, every time an injury stops me from doing one thing I’ll pick up another in the meantime!
I wish it really were that simple. Maybe you are still young but as middle age rolls around so do the stupid fucking injuries that appear from no where xD
In settings on Voyager you have a blocks and filters section. In there you have filter keywords. You can try filtering different keywords to try and trim the idiocy from /all. It is fucking tiring.
“Heavily integrated into eBay” except it isnt any more.
Firstly the article is a year and a half old but although you can still use PayPal on eBay to say it is heavily integrated is bullshit. EBay started moving away from PayPal years ago and at this point have integrated their own systems linking to your bank account to take the place of what they used to use PayPal for.
Touchdesigner as someone else mentioned will require a lot of work on your end but you can make pretty much anything you could think of really.
You could also try Synesthesia or there is a free visualiser on steam. If you want to go more down the VDJ route there are more specific programs that can do that but that can also be done from within touch designer. Resolume is one of the most popular ones and this guy is great to watch to get started.
Oh boy is that an extremely powerful and versatile rabbit hole!
I just picked up Halls of Torment again and ended up some how playing around 10 hours this weekend…it is alright.
Keytwo is my all time favourite phone, ive not found something that is as good as it was, so I’d be interested in if you have any success with this.
Others phones with keyboard you could look into are Unihertz titan and titan slim. I owned a titan and it was a pretty good phone although somewhat large, I know there is a small community of people doing things with it but I could never get my bootloader to unlock.
The titan slim is a copy of the keytwo form factor and I have been very tempted but never got around to trying one out.
Fx tec pro also exists but they seem over priced and out dated, not sure on how receptive they are to new ROMs or if there is even a community behind this one.
I’m going to be watching This project going forward and if it seems decent may try switching to using a data sim in a hotspot box in my bag and just use this as a primary device.
AirVPN is great and has port forwarding.
Likewise except my watch vibrates and notifies me of incoming calls so I can then not answer them.