Break everything, fix nothing.
Break everything, fix nothing.
Look at who they asked to return, such as air-traffic-controllers. Some fights they are losing.
Any important department will them to fuck off with the A.I., but Medicare patients will be stuck with it. It’s a slow moving disaster that any average person sees coming.
Roads that are too big, house that are too spread out.
Police because stores refuse to hire their own security and offload it to onto your property tax.
Sewers because dumb people are too stupid to compost properly, and now we need chemicals on farm fields since the traditional method of composting is dead.
Garbage trucks and landfills because companies sell you wrappers and containers that outlive the products and are made from toxic waste.
You have to think more like Trump, LOL. The rich don’t pay any taxes through the use of loopholes. Why should you. Slum lords should be forced to pay taxes, not working class schmo that needs a roof over their heads. Tax the slum lords.
Top down education doesn’t work, that’s how we get stuck with schools that have massive IT budgets with little to show for them. Most teachers don’t use anything beyond spreadsheets and Youtube.
I don’t think that there is an easy fix.
I’d like to think local autonomy would help, so small communities could design their own curriculum, but I’m too much of a pessimist and see such experiments failing quickly because of corruption and incompetence.
The other issue is, nobody is trying to take on Facebook. Not really anything in the FLOSS community like it.
All other western democracies use some sort of parliamentary system akin to what the English have, a party appointed Prime Minister with very limited power. Presidential systems always devolve into fiefdoms.
I don’t think data and studies should ever be buried. I do think we need to do a better job of exposing this data as nothing more than scattered tea leaves, with no validity to it. Just because someone spent lots of money collecting numbers, doesn’t mean those numbers reflect anything real. And yes billions of dollars and hours of time can be spent collecting ‘data’, but the cost doesn’t mean it’s reflective of any truth.
‘Data’ is not neutral! The point of collecting data on teachers and schools was always about control, pushing down pay, cutting benefits and cutting funding. That’s why these monitoring programs started, and continued to exist. A few naive people think that they might have some use in monitoring standards between schools, THEY DON’T. Pearson, Springer, and the other large education companies suck up much of the funding…not to the benefit of classrooms and students.
Don’t live in an political bubble. For years lefty teachers fought rankings, standardized testing, and the standardized testing industry. It doesn’t help schools, or teachers. Don’t be a knee-jerk reactionary, automatically saying that everything Musk does is wrong is counterproductive.
I don’t like Musk, but this is good. School performance tracking is voodoo math. Everyone knows that good schools are in good neighborhoods and bad schools are in bad neighborhoods. You don’t need $900,000,000 in research, and the yearly publication of random lists. This just hurts individual teachers.
Trump is putting a tariff on Canada and Mexico to pay for his up coming tax cuts. He’s not smart enough to see that this won’t work and will cause a disaster.
Trump just killed the N. American auto industry. You can’t remake all the supply chain lines overnight. Some parts cross the border multiple times, meaning way more than a 25% tariff in the end. Asian car companies are going to take over.
No one wants American trucks, you can’t export them to Asia, Africa or Europe. Americans barely want American trucks.
Now not even Canada or Mexico will buy American trucks. Canada and Mexico will double down on buying from Asia. There goes America’s final market for its trucks.
While American factories try to rejig everything in the production line and supply chain, Asia car companies will step in to fill the void. Another blow to American manufacturing.
The stupidity of this election was off an scale. Shows how much dumb propaganda got spewed through X, Facebook, etc.
Someone not brave enough to take a COVID-19 shot, is the type of coward that will run away in a battle. This significantly weakens America.
Don’t you worry, this will also be retroactive! People will have their American citizenship taken away.
After Trump’s presidency the USA will have to open up its constitution for a rewrite.
Fuck off. He is a senior Alzheimer patient.
I’m sure Ontario, Alberta, British Colombia … will all be happy to lose their provincial legislatures for one State House. No local representation. All provincial systems of trade destroyed.
This is idiotic talk.