Actually education is probably the largest selection factor. Educated people have less children than less educated people. Sometimes massively so. This is not necessarily linked with intelligence, it correlates more with socio economic factors.
Actually education is probably the largest selection factor. Educated people have less children than less educated people. Sometimes massively so. This is not necessarily linked with intelligence, it correlates more with socio economic factors.
He’s using it though.
I can imagine having a tutorial on how to hold and move your hands floating in space right next to the grip could be pretty nice for beginners. Or just make the boring exercise more interesting by watching some form of entertainment.
German psychiatrists be like:
The rules aren’t any different for AI. AI is not a legal entity, just like a pen and canvas are not. It is always about the person who makes money with facsimiles of copyrighted previous work.
Dem wird danach der @sagrotan laufen XD
Ok I thought it common knowledge but maybe I should specify.
Datum is the singular form of data. Data is a collection of many single datums. If you have ten thousand anecdotes they do in fact become statistically significant.
No, your clock is right 1440 or 86400 times a day. Not exactly twice.
The saying is “even a broken clock is right twice a day”
We don’t digest cellulose, our intestines and appendix are not long enough. Compare our body plan to a horse or rat (giant appendix) or cow or sheep (multiple stomachs, filled with bacteria that break down cellulose). Cellulose goes right through. But that’s the fiber that is always so highly praised and not actually a bad thing.
No, it’s a datum - about how people feel
Performance numbers are easy to find. The prices have not been great and the 4060 is held back by its reduced memory speed, but it’s a performance increase nevertheless. The flagship product, the one that shows what is currently possible in terms of GPU power, did show remarkable improvement in top performance.
I’m more salty about AMD not supporting ai workloads on their consumer gpus. Yes, ROCm exists and it will work on quite a few cards, but officially it’s not supported. This is a major reason why Nvidia is still the only serious player in town.
Plenty of answers already.
I’d like to point out that it’s not medicine alone, but empathy that changes natural selection. We have evidence of our ancestors caring for members of their tribe that would have been unable to survive otherwise.
But while in some edge cases (some diseases) you could make an argument that it’s bad for future humanity for some reason, it’s overall good, because it enables a larger population. And a larger population has a better chance of mutating to fit changing environments. Or to phrase it differently: diversification comes first, selection can wait.