They don’t need to mirror inventory across all stores. They could rebrand some of the redundant stores to set them apart from their general craft stores
Big name chains often do similar things, splitting off more niche or focused locations
They don’t need to mirror inventory across all stores. They could rebrand some of the redundant stores to set them apart from their general craft stores
Big name chains often do similar things, splitting off more niche or focused locations
These are channels I follow or at least like enough to look up once in a while. They’re a bit random. I apologize if any are repeats, but they’re worth repeating (and I didn’t read every reply):
Adam Savage’s tested: https://youtube.com/@tested
bigclivedotcom: https://youtube.com/@bigclivedotcom
Intelligence Squared: https://youtube.com/@intelligence-squared
MIT Open CourseWare: https://youtube.com/@mitocw
Townsends: https://youtube.com/@townsends
Cirque du Soleil: https://youtube.com/@cirquedusoleil
Very other:
SBSK: https://youtube.com/@specialbooksbyspecialkids
the channel features a man who goes around and interacts with/interviews disabled children and adults. I take this one in small doses. It is not long form in the traditional sense of a well researched and thoroughly laid out topic, but I find it very wholesome/heartbreaking at the same time.
Hi Color! :D - typo
Beannnsss!! Lol I loved that goodie video, so cool seeing your process and watching a character come to life! Thanks for sharing, I love your style
But my go to for “if there is a god, they’re not worth worshipping” is always Children’s. Bone. Cancer. Those 3 words should not fucking go together.
I watched my sibling deteriorate over the course of a few years and then die a couple days after their sixth birthday. They had a brain stem tumor which was inoperable. There is no god
What color is his tongue? Or did you steal that, too, you monster
I read the article but I’m not up to snuff on the particular history. I’m not sure in the painting who is on the right side of history but regardless it conveys emotion beautifully
Here’s a link to the full photo: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7b/Fusilamiento_de_Torrijos_(Gisbert).jpg
Those make my mouth itch, and lactose free cottage cheese did my system in so I guess I have to swear off dairy. But I can’t give up cheese, I just eat small amounts of it
Had to once double check “the” because I’d been talking to friends about how words eventually lose meaning they’re overused. The example was to just say it repeatedly while thinking of the word in your head, and eventually the concept of the word the loses any tangible meaning
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Semantic_satiation is the phenomenon
That was a fantastic video, thank you!! And yes the curator was amazing. The shade one can throw when using posh language…!
Beyond the curator, the music selection and timing was brilliant; I’ll check out some more videos. Thanks again!
Editing to add: that guy is an absolute gem. I watched some others and has brought to my life a joy I didn’t know I was missing
Daddy would you like some sausage? Daddy would you like some sausages?
One of my favorite movie scenes
We’ve got Tom Green, Harlan Williams, and the rip Rip Torn
Any time Tom Green comes up in conversation I have to also link this gem: Tom Green freestyling
Since I’m on the topic, other favorite clips are:
https://youtu.be/p8aTHf01OFo And this one: https://youtu.be/pZAckMNSKWU (For the impatient)
Roger is by far my favorite character in any show so I suppose I’m a little biased
About 20 years ago
I went to my family Christmas with my then-partner. I got a Grinch onesie from my family
We then attended my partner’s family Christmas where basically the entire living room was stuffed with presents for the kids (my partner and their siblings). My then-partner complained about how the siblings all got more $$ worth of presents. I pointed out that I got a pair of pjs for Christmas. The reply: “it’s not about the dollar amount, it’s just they got more than me” (paraphrased)
I hated that present. A fucking onesie? It was such a disappointing present, and for a long time I used it as an example for questions just like this
I kept it and wore it. Eventually I lost the bitterness and started to cherish it even. Which is why I still wear it regularly this time of year! It’s quite warm… plus, it has pockets!
Grinch tax:
It kinda has a story that you’re dropped in the middle of that’s revealed as the show goes on
To add, it’s an extremely uplifting and wholesome community.
I’ve regularly tuned in when I’m feeling down and am moved by the support everyone shows
I read this as a zomboid inventory
That’s something I’d equip immediately. I’m a sucker for dying cosmetics, I hope you don’t mind if it gets turned teal green 😊
I’m very sorry I didn’t think of this context. I wasn’t being daft intentionally, it just didn’t occur to me when I was trying to figure out the situation
I can understand now. Thank you for sharing and gently explaining the situation
(I’m also very, very sorry to have implied your mother had cheated in that scenario. I did not mean to cast shade on her character)
Thank you; I’m sorry I missed that broader context. I try to think critically about what I read and sometimes I struggle with widening my scope of thinking
That would indicate your mom cheated as well? Not sure exactly what your dad cheating has to do with your DNA. Wouldn’t it be better to find out he wasn’t your dad if he was so shitty?
That last bit is something that bothers me. My apartment used to pay water, sewer, garbage but years ago they shifted that to the tenants. We don’t have individual meters so our bill is divided up between units and the number of people in the unit (supposedly… Our bills are administered by a third party. I can’t even pay my bill directly to the utility companies)
I try to conserve water (or anything else, but I’m focusing on the water). I don’t like waste. But fuck it, if I’m paying for OTHER PEOPLE’S water usage I sure as shit will make sure I get my money’s worth. But if everyone has that mindset, our bills collectively go up. Oh well