If you have evidence of the contrary, I’d be happy to see it.
If you have evidence of the contrary, I’d be happy to see it.
I’m assuming it’s still as accurate as the data previously showed, and because I’m an active editor there, who works quite hard to ensure what I edit is reliably sourced.
Quite possibly. Depending on how loud and active you are about it.
A shit sandwich and diarrhea soup are different.
But, no matter what, you’re eating shit.
The Nazis built the autobahn, but we don’t cheer for the Nazis.
Like we shouldn’t be cheering on any state, just because of the good.
Yes, I include the US, China, Russia, and all the other states that have committed untold evil on humanity, even if they all also did something good.
Fuxking a man, you win.
Instead of regurgitating CCP propaganda?
Bah, I totes misread that, yeah.
That’s a very… generous interpretation, but I’ll “allow it”, because it gives me some hope.
How could you achieve communism or socialism without authoritarianism?
Same way the Neozapatistas have done? By actually showing your system is better, and letting people join your movement. And allow them to leave, if they desire.
That’s just reality for a ton of Americans. Where do you suggest they get these new jobs, since most pay about the same? Or should they just get multiple jobs? Because that sounds like a great way to keep more Americans uninterested in politics…
Are they better, though?
I mean, last I checked, Wikipedia is far more accurate than most encyclopedias professionally assembled. And, to add to it: Wikipedia is certainly well sourced, and admits its biases quite openly, and in fact are working to correct those biases.
So, what Chinese-based wikipedia alternatives are out there? And I mean, communally owned, maintained, and edited encyclopedia, which, quite frankly, is one of the best examples of a communist endeavors one can find on the internet at this time…
RiseUp.net for both. Disroot.org for email (And other services).
The average person in the US was too busy trying to figure out how to get a 500 dollar paycheck to cover 300 in groceries, 200 in rent, 100 for electric, and 200 for gas to get to work. While also paying 300 for baby formula.
Nah, laws are the things that bind the working class while not protecting them; and at the same time protects the oligarchs without binding them.
Yeah, I read that and was like… “Ya know, you’re only about 260 years late…”
I think we have definitive proof that the American public, in general, are idiots.
I prefer hearing about it from Marxists far closer to the source, and using China’s own information they publish:
we have child labor in the US too. It’s not legal
A lot of child labor in the US, is in fact, very legal.
From the age of 10-15, working papers can be issued allowing children to deliver newspaper, hawk products on corners, and do limited farm work.
From 15-17, working papers can be issues allowing children to pretty much do any job, with some limitations on hours, and tooling they can use (ie, no automatic sharp tools, like slicers).
Now, these are for my state. Some states are far more exploitative, such as Georgia, where kids as young as 13 can work a fast food joint.
Not correct, but go on.