Ime, not really. It feels daunting the first time, but the installation guide on the wiki is actually really good at holding your hand through it.
Just be careful not to skip any sections
Ime, not really. It feels daunting the first time, but the installation guide on the wiki is actually really good at holding your hand through it.
Just be careful not to skip any sections
I did seem to gain around 10s in a compilation workload that takes just under 2 minutes (after the switch), but I didn’t perform any actual benchmark
Is there any meaningful difference between installing CachyOS and installing Arch but setong up the CachyOS repositories and using CachyOS’ kernel? I did the latter, and things seem to work fine
Or both! Debian on my server, arch on my desktop, btw
That said, I find it very hard to understand exactly what you are asking for, the post is rambly with a middle section about books that I couldn’t really understand even after 3 rereads.
I think what you are asking for is:
If the time is off by that much after being powered off, this tells me two things:
An incorrect clock can absolutely cause network issues, so I would bet that’s what is causing you trouble
Why are you using networkd instead of networkmanager on a desktop?
What a weird question. Networkd works anywhere systemd works, why whould desktops be any different.
It’s the same as asking someone “why are you using systemd-boot instead of grub?” Because I like systemd boot better and it’s easier to configure. Same with networkd, configuration is stupid simple, I have installed it on my work machine even.
As for op: since you can manually ping ip addresses and the issue seems to be time-based, could it be that your machine is somehow not renegotiating a dhcp lease?
That’s not enough, a better idea is to, somehow, poison the location data. Otherwise by disabling location tracking you still leak the information that you are going to a clinic.
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She hasn’t changed her mattress in 30 years?
I see this as political discourse. I can now look at whoever started and starred the fork and unquestionably categorize them as people not worth interacting with.
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It’s one thing to pay, and another to be squeezed dry.
When ads were mostly static banners on websites almost nobody was blocking them, because they were mostly unobtrusive.
However, they would often link to shady websites that would install random crap, so the usecase for blocking them was already there.
Then they became animated, and they multiplied. It was one at the bottom of content at first. Then a couple. Then two vertical banners on the sides too. Then more rectangular banners here and there for good measure.
Then they became unkillable javascript popups, then proper new browser windows. Then autoplaying videos with audio were added. And this is just the visible stuff. Add tracking pixels, tracking cookies, browser fingerprinting, and tons of other spying technology deployed under the guise of “but the content is free”.
After every step the use of ad and tracking blockers became more legitimate as serving ads moved further and further away from paying for free content and squarely in the space of selling user data collected without consent for huge profit margins.
If ads and subscriptions were enough to just make a normal amount of profit, very few would be blocking ads or pirating content, because the amount of ads or the price of subscriptions would be reasonable and affordable.
But since everyone wants to make a 1000% markup on the content they generate, they will drive their very own paying customers away.
Youtube could have served me a couple ads per video and I would have kept using it forever. Instead they served me a minimum of 20 ads per video, so now they will serve me zero, forever.
Netflix could have gotten 12 euros every month out of me for their dwindling and dwindling content selection. Instead they wanted 14 after a while. And 17 after a while. And 19 after a little while more. All the while refusing to serve me the 4k content I paid for.
So instead they now get zero too.
I am very happy to pay for content, and a lot of people like me. But the comment you originally replied to was in reference to youtube increasing the price of their subscription by ludicrous amounts. You replied there content isn’t free, and I replied that youtube has no problem making money. The increases are not to keep youtube afloat, is to make youtube make 10 billions in profit rather than 8 next year.
It’s not about paying a fair amount of money for content, it’s about making you pay all that you can give and suck you dry.
So to your question “how do you pay for content/services in general?” I answer “with money”, but that is not what is happening here.
There are plenty of pasta dishes and sauces that use cream, and while sour cream is not used in italian cuisine I think it tastes amazing :)
So I can absolutely see sour cream working in pasta
I am always amazed by how the japanese are often times very willing to experiment and be inventive in terms of melding their own culinary culture with foreign ones, considering the isolationist and conservative history and reputation they have overall as a people.
To me, that simply says that food really is one of the universal languages.
I’d love to try this dish if just for experimentation, although I suspect it wouldn’t be something I’d have more than once lol
Yeah, no judgement here, when one is poor they gotta do what they gotta do, and ketchup is probably cheaper than decent tomato sauce in some parts of the world I would imagine.
That said, I am willing to bet that the same pasta but with actual prepared tomato sauce (that means put it on the stove, let it simmer, add some salt, maybe a bit of pepper or a pinch of chili flakes if you like, and a drop of EVO oil when it comes off the heat) in place of ketchup would be even better.
Although in your case, the ketchup recipe likely brings back happy emotions relating to your childhood which, after all, are also part of the food experience. Cheers!
+1. Arch is super easy to install, just open the install guide on the wiki and do what it says.
It’s also really stable nowadays, I can’t actually remember the last time something broke.
As a counterpoint, on ubuntu I constantly had weird issues where the system would change something apparently on its own. Like the key repeat resetting every so often (I mean multiple times an hour), weirdness with graphic drivers, and so on.
That said, I also appreciate debian for server usage. Getting security updates only can be desirable for something that should be little more than an appliance. Doing a dist upgrade scares the shit out of me though, while on arch that’s not even close to a concern.
Not necessarily. Timestamps, file paths, and other environment metadata can easily sneak into an executable and make a program not build reproducibly