… to make the life of school bullies easier and empower the teachers that help the bullies.
… to make the life of school bullies easier and empower the teachers that help the bullies.
Then there’s people paying for pirated software in CDs/DVDs
Yeah, when you jumble the words, it is important to count which character is available how many times, or this happens and it’s no longer just jumbled.
Did you mean, “interetn war neves created”?
Most companies just need more ppl that actually work rather than doing politics and profiting off of the 30% working personnel.
hesitation because they’re worried about “incriminating” themselves
This is a hard one. Because this is not about engineers, but their nature as people.
An anecdote: A lawyer, once casually asked me - if I were to design a building (this was hypothetical, because I am not a civil engineer) and after construction, was to realise some mistake that would cost lives, would I go on to tell them about it - and his tone seemed like he considered it common sense that I won’t report it.
So, at least in his mind, it is common sense that people hide their mistakes.
technical details
I am a kind of person that doesn’t know that people find it difficult to understand concepts out of their domain (mostly because I understand most, well explained stuff, irrespective of domain) and if someone were to ask me about my work, I would easily wander into the details. After a few years of industry experience, realising that to not be the case, I tend to be more abstract.
If you want the engineers to tell you more in depth about the technical stuff, I’d suggest you to show them your aptitude to understand their stuff and you will see them going more into detail of it. I had a manager (kind of), who was also an engineer and used Linux on a regular basis. I found it easy to discuss more in depth regarding solutions (the product was using Linux too) due to his familiarity.
You mean, whether the cop that did that should be arrested?
They won’t. They have some immunity thing going around.
Also, the batteries need to be available at a reasonable price to the user.
Or they’ll start scheming
At this point, just get a bicycle without a battery.
Of course, sometimes you need to move heavy stuff and there’s nothing you can do about it, bu I tend to save enough, not owning a car/motorbike that I can afford to pay for a pickup on those occasions.
I don’t get why they feel the need to keep it a secret.
Google takes GeoLocation data with maps and people happily use it. I even put reviews for places I go to.
If they were to just be above board about it while selling the stuff, they would have much happier customers and they could even get some legitimate use out of the data, like traffic status that Google does.
I’m not a fan of Google, but must say, they definitely managed to do better in this regard.
Oh no, you’re getting it wrong.
I only found the person responsible for giving me the feeling of helplessness and made them helpless.
The other people’s lives?
Well, I just pulled of the lever, so now nobody has the opportunity to make that choice, hence no dilemma.
And who got run over in the end, I didn’t check. I didn’t know whether or not the direction got changed when I was breaking off the lever.
Also, I didn’t really stop the train either, so I only stopped the dilemma from happening. I didn’t save any ppl.
Are we talking about the same Chuck Norris?
No, we are not.
I am talking about an internet meme
You are talking about a real person, who is probably old by now.
Nah, with Chuck Norris, it’s usually the missiles that do the dodging.
Making it a sort of a museum would be a pretty good idea.
Are the books really that bad? (Sorry, I mostly lived on NCERT)
Imagine getting told by a couples therapist that they can’t see your relationship working out… And then you go on a big rant saying how you should still be together?
Honestly, if someone has to go to couples therapy, they’re already at a point where their judgement is written off.
But! But! Wikipedia is not a reliable source! Uwaaan! /s
Is this guard supposed to be slacking off on the job?
It works on Firefox EndeavourOS
At least that’s what I aim for in Civ VI.
No idea about you
What if it were 10/100 Gb/s ?
It’s probably about the artistic structures they were encased in, matching (or maybe not matching) the ambience of the place.