Thanks, I Hate It
Thanks, I Hate It
This was the same reason for me.
To be fair that advice does work for Index Funds which are low risk and meant to be gathering interest over many many years. For stock trading yeah, you have to be on top of things
This. Remove/block options that allow ads and keep the ones that filter then.
That part also confused me. Does he really think text prediction is intelligence?
Kate Boy - Northern Lights
I always found it amazing that the first rambo he kills 1 person. Best Rambo movie in my opinion
You mean die trying to leave earth?
From what I can remember, the simbolism is stronger in the first movie and not so much on the other two. I recall two key things that can simbolize the struggle trans people go through or are references to transgenderism.
I’m sure there’s more but it’s been a while since I came across the analysis.
Worth noting that when I watched the movies I never made an association with transgenderism. I think in great part because I was not even aware of it.
I see. I watched some video on it a ong time ago so I don’t recall the details. I’m sure you can find something.
Elon Musk, of course!
“I’ve done more for the environment than any single human on earth. What I care about is the reality of goodness, not the perception of it - and what I see all over the place is people who care about looking good while doing evil,” - Elon Musk
But then they would miss on all the likes from all of their “friends”
“Vegan Gains” is pretty unhinged
The Elders of the Internet know who I am??
These are great, need more
Many many years ago, a friend of mine installed a remote control plugin on another friends Foobar (music player) without their knowledge. He then proceeded to troll by messing with the volume and the track playing, not only when he was visiting but also when he would pass by the house. He would check if Foobar was being used and then would troll a bit before continuing. This went on for about 4 months. The other dude was going insane trying to figure out what was happening.