How to get me to block your account with one simple trick: post utter bs like that
How to get me to block your account with one simple trick: post utter bs like that
Aw dang, paywall.
Jeez. Rotations like that exist in “Western Countries” since what, 50 years? 60? That’s not new and the “surprise” here shows that you, dear poster, must be new to the game.
Anyhow, where i live and work (somewhere in Germany) you get paid extra for night and extra extra if shift is during the night on a week end.
Is that shit nice? Ok, no. Does it pay? Fuck, yes. All of my colleagues doing this since 20ish years bitch BUT have a house, two cars, fly to vacations to turkey and shit.
Your learning?
Accept, that this shit exists and will always exist.
Unionize. Have companies pay you fairly for what you do.
Stop whining. As long as you whine, you are a victim. Victims dont act or unionize or take things into their hands. Victims cry, roll on their tears and get fucked. THATS what companies like, cause you’re easy to deal with.
Have the Canadians apologized yet for theit Building standing in the way?
…and here I am, thinking the biggest piece of shit was Bono…
Cant wait to see how Google AI is responding to something in english written by a German user with “SPRICH DEUTSCH DU HURENSOHN!!!”.
There was this white singer that got uninvited by fff here in Germany because she wore dreadlocks. Cant have that when you are white it seems. No logical reason necessary, too. Can just brand it “cultural appropriation” and you’re good. Oh shit, there is prove that greeks or wikings had dreadlocks? Nae, just gonna ignore that cause it doesnt fit my stereotypical views of the world.
The argument might seem overstreched, but shit like this happens.
Oh fuck, how dare you ask someone on here to actually give reason, facts or prove of anything they make up in their heads! Here, take my downvotes, there is no need to argue if I can just ramble and feel superior to you that way!
/s , obvioisly.
Lets remember and spread the word that this might be because of the vast amounts of oil and gas that legally belongs to Palestinians… If they had a country.
To me, the whole “oopsie, we didnt see Hamas prepare for a strike” and now “well, lets eradicate them” just fits to the narrative of “welp, dont want them to have the oil and gas. How can we make sure it will be ours?”
Maybe read the article before posting. Then you would know that the headline is quite right.
…came here to write Mustaine. Beat me to it.
I was curious, so i googled. I could find a mention that this quote could never be positively connected to Carlin even though (speciallu on facebook) people shared this quote. It most.likely is a wrong one.
Well, that’s plain ignorant. But you do you.
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