Another point valid for GPTs is getting started on ideas and things, sorting out mind messes, getting useful data out of large amounts of clusterfucks of text, getting a general direction.
Current downsides are you cannot expect factual answers on topics it has no access to as it’ll hallucinate on these without telling you, many GPT provides use your data so you cannot directly ask it sensitive topics, it’ll forget datapoints if your conversation goes on too long.
As for image generation, it’s still often stuck in the uncanny valley. Only animation topics benefit right now within the amateur realm. Cannot say how much GPTs are professionally used currently.
All of these are things you could certainly do yourself and often better/faster than an AI. But sometimes you just need a good enough solution and that’s where GPTs shine more and more often. It’s just another form of automation - if used for repetitive/stupid tasks, it’s fine. Just don’t expect it to just build you a piece of fully working bug-free software just by asking it. That’s not how automation works. At least not to date.
Always do backups using the 1-2-3 method for any data stored on any media includi g cloud storage if sensibly possible. You WILL need it eventually and you WILL hate your past self for not checking if your backup actually works. Include your phone, too. If opensource is wanted, syncthing is a no-brainer. rsync pr freesync for personal bulk backups without cloud. (There is no Cloud. It’s just someone elses computer.)