I don’t know much about his presidency but all his work with Habitat for Humanity shows that he became a pretty good person. RIP.
I don’t know much about his presidency but all his work with Habitat for Humanity shows that he became a pretty good person. RIP.
Oh man if you like images of aesthetic mood board stuff you have not lived until you’ve let the algorithm take the wheel and fallen into a pin hole. It’s quite stimulating.
Look, sometimes people enjoy brainless humor and that’s okay. People have hard days. Twelve hours in the field days. Sometimes people are tired and just want something easy and that’s perfectly valid.
As the sages of old said, “It’s okay to not like things. It’s okay, but don’t be a dick about it.”
And haven’t gone back to 24hr operations.
Uhhh I have sensory issues but am uncomfortable while wearing headphones. What’s this? Do what now? What kind of headphones? I NEED ALL THE INFORMATION WITHOUT OPENING A SECOND APP THAT IS FULL OF ADS AND NO USEFUL INFORMATION!
The topsoil becomes hydrophobic for a time due to the vaporized oils in plants and a bunch of physics I am fuzzy on. This means they’re less likely to absorb any water during the next rains after a wildfire and you get what are called post-wildfire debris flows (a type of mass wasting/landslide). They’re so predictable that planning for them and predicting where they will occur is a regular part of wildfire response in certain states.
Your boots may sink into soup and add any sort of slope and that hillside is going down.