The first time I used wget I felt so awesome. I was grabbing some extra music files I think it was for Ur-Quan Masters.
The first time I used wget I felt so awesome. I was grabbing some extra music files I think it was for Ur-Quan Masters.
“He was just starting to get pretty okay at playing the Appalachian dulcimer.”
Not sure why you got downvoted, assuming you were just pointing out how interesting it is that people in tech tend to be more critical of tech and aware of the issues it can have or cause
To tune out and reset my mental and emotional state: Most anything by Paleowolf
To restore hope and interest in seeking good things from life:
The goofy answer:
I loved 8! I got so into the characters and their stories. I was always excited to see more Laguna & Co. I remember downloading the Eyes On You song, probably off one of those sketchy P2P music sharing services.
Vagrant Story takes place in Ivalice as well and is the only game I’d say I love as much as Tactics when it comes to sheer vibe/atmosphere. The opening gameplay sequence is amazing.
Yeah dude, Tactics was incredible. Art style, music, gameplay, story, just the vibe, man. My only beef is that it had the typical FF ending feeling of getting too sort of “out there”. Went from a very human story to the typical third act of oh now there’s some big weird big bad I have no emotional investment in to pose a more serious threat I guess.
Agrias remains one of my all time favorite characters.
Screw Algus.
I laughed, but I wasn’t happy about it.
This is one of the most fascinating comments I’ve ever encountered on Lemmy
I don’t know man, the kachonk is a valuable part of the experience for me, great tactile feedback
I’m so glad to be seeing small and indie web stuff so often lately. I never played with gopher and Gemini. Today might be the day.
Oh man, my oldest brother put this on when our parents were out and all I remember is being terrified of the eyeball in the guy’s palm at some point. Probably my first experience with body horror.
Man, I miss the golden age of point-and-click adventure games. My brothers and I played through so many together. PC Speaker version of the MI1 soundtrack for maximum nostalgia:
We had Shufflepuck Cafe on our Macintosh Plus. Loved that game, but also infuriating
Was pong on the Telstar, along with Tennis and i think two more similar super basic games? That’s what we had
Holy smokes, I forgot all about that thing! Seeing a picture of it brought out some ancient archived memories
Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey. I only discovered it fairly recently and it has already become my go-to read whenever I’m looking for some peace and simple natural spirituality with a generous side of denouncing the absurdity of modern culture and overaggressive “progress” and development.
Boy, the trees are really sneezing today.
I love
for seeing where all my storage is being taken up.