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Well sure, why would the world aspire to fully automated luxury communism without the communism? Just fully automated luxury economy for rich people and nothing for everyone else?
I hated to say it while she was running, but yeah. Bobby Jindal all over again but in the eyes of the GOP, even worse because she’s a WOC.
Haley’s campaign, while well-intentioned, was based on a false premise, namely that the Republicans are, in some way, actually better than Donald Trump.
Losing a show off Netflix was what sparked me to spin up a NAS again to start with
I mean, the whole argument hinges on the fact that the procedures around Section 3 are ambiguous, but clearly since states haven’t tried to do it themselves before, that means they obviously don’t have the authority. So, the precedent exists not because it has actually been set, but because it can be inferred to exist by the fact that it hasn’t been set.
May as well have signed it in crayon, too. OH WAIT THEY DIDN’T SIGN IT
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And here I was, fretting about the actual cost benefit of my NAS when it likely chews up at least $10 a month in electricity and likely needs $10-15 a year in replacement components, and then I need a VPN subscription to fill it with content, and Netflix just goes and raises their prices like this and settles all my doubts for me.
If nothing else, electricity is fungible by source. Your EV doesn’t care if the electrons in your battery came from solar, coal, fusion, whatever. An ICE? It can burn certain hydrocarbons. That’s it.
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As a type nerd, I’m slightly mollified. I’ve had to spend the last 17 years pretending Calibri is a respectable font and not Comic Sans with a suit and tie
This strategy presumes that the authorities are concerned with the protester’s well-being in the first place.
Actually, it presumes access to media outlets/social media who will help build pressure on authorities. It’s a pressure campaign tactic whose success or failure relies on building outside, non-state civil society support. By failing to engage with why people resort to tactics like hunger striking or self-immolation and just making shit up, the piece fails to really make its case.
While I don’t support self-immolation as a tactic, the mentality this critique relies on enables the abuses that lead people to self-immolate or go on hunger strike to start with.
BTW about 98% of everything CrimethInc publishes is exactly this off-base and unhelpful.
more like, this year the CEO can’t upgrade to a 7-yacht household like planned and will have to be happy with merely upgrading to six yachts, a plane, and two Mazeratis
Not an economist per se, but what my econ prof in college put on the test is, more or less, that workers’ penury will eventually force them to take action to raise wages. This includes everything from strike actions to workers in general simply refusing to take the lowest-paid jobs anymore. The fact that employers will delay this process as long as possible and keep the raises as small as possible and workers will have to fight like hell to get even pitiful raises is also part of the theory. It’s a story of gIvE aNd tAKe that ignores the government took massive action last year to prevent the labor market from responding to the new market conditions and routinely acts to prevent wages from rising “too fast.” The price of everything can inflate to hell, but if the price of labor goes up in direct response just like every other commodity, whoa now, stop the presses, that’s an economic problem.
I appreciated that the police made it a point to mention they searched the entire area for bombs, like they thought it was most likely the protest was somehow intended as a distraction. Like they actually think it makes sense in their head that some crisis actor would actually light themselves on fire for like $50 so the real terrorists could… you know what, it’s too crazy and stupid to even finish typing out. Police departments are just jobs programs for violent idiots.
I don’t want to derail the thread, but this detail absolutely leapt out at me like a hungry puma:
Law enforcement also drew a gun on the burning man during the incident, while he was screaming in pain.
If you’re like most developers, cognitive dissonance?>
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