Thriving on chaos.
Feeling the calmest when in a tempest.
See picture.
Thriving on chaos.
Feeling the calmest when in a tempest.
If you’re 20, YMMV but for me, please get into a trade.
Just be smart and plan your exit. Your body will only take so much so trade until your body has enough then get into teaching whatever trade you got into.
My neighbours son is doing this now. HVAC career is done he’s in teachers college now to start his second career.
FWIW this is my plan now too. I’m pretty much done with IT. I’m investigating teaching now, or being a porter at a hospital.
I mean in the future it’s a possibility I’ll be fucking Zendaya but that doesn’t mean it’s reality now does it?
Yup and tips were only for a short list of things like waiters or cabbies.
Rob bless him. In hindsight he was the good one
As an Ontarian I feel we are actually more than a few years from America in terms of this bullshit.
You can go back to when Rob Ford won the mayorship of Toronto talking about “stopping the gravy train”. He found no gravy.
Fast forward to Doug Ford becoming premier to “stop the gravy train” of which he found no gravy. In fact he unlawfully terminated numerous contracts costing Ontarians even more money.
Short story, people who try to reduce complex economic issues into simple solutions are snake oil salesmen not to be trusted.
Unfortunately in today’s media landscape it works.
Lol I had to look it up. If seems I confuse her with Zoey daschenel
Its not real but if you are craving Gene Wilder you can try both Haunted Honeymoon and Sherlock Holmes Younger Brother.
They’re not amazing movies but they’re entertaining and certainly have their moments.
One of the Denning girls I think Kat
History doesn’t repeat. It rhymes.
Buckle in kiddo it’s gonna be a fun couple of decades if we survive it.
What’s funny (or sad) is that 100 years from now this will be looked at the same was as when Ford or IBM supported the Nazis. Their business won’t hurt long term and Tim Apple will be long dead.
Laughing at “old ways”. The old ways are what they’re going back to. What didn’t work is the new ways of mono-crop nonsense that wasn’t done for millenia before recent memory.
Mega farms need to die.
We’ll figure it out!
Exactly. Life doesn’t wait.
Granted in America yes those are concerns we don’t have to the same degree in Canada but all things considered having a kid is reckless anyways. You either adapt and make it work or you don’t.
Yup. I mean I 100% get the toxicity that Americans are dealing with and I’m blessed that my family does not have that problem but you can’t hold hands with closed fists. Someone has to extend the olive branch might as well be me.
3 kids here 12 and under. If you are mentally and emotionally ready for kids just do it. That’s the big secret. You will never be ready financially. Kids adapt and will be happy so long as you are stable and can provide the most important necessities like love, a roof and food.
I mean I understand but at the same time I could never have those rules I expect to be challenged and I expect other people to be challenged otherwise how do people with asinine opinions change?
Case in point my daughter’s best friend has parents who are anti-vax you best know that is a button I am pushing consistently and firmly. I may not be able to change the parents but I ain’t letting that child be indoctrinated.
Mine does too which is hilarious because I’m the dad and my ex-wife is OoTL most times.
Take it as an indication your daughter trusts you.
FWIW I’ve been very clear with my kids and I only share relevant info with my ex so if a kid says it’s a secret I will make it a secret.
I’ve heard enough shit in my time as a parent I really question other parents lol
I will say this in my bluntly antiquated way (47 man).
I kissed my buddy in high school because fuck it it was a dare. Didn’t like it it’s fucking weird. I wear pink. Love pink. I’ve painted my nails, dyed my hair, wore a dress before. I do all that because I know I’m straight. It’s hilarious watching less secure people do juggling exercises in their heads when I know I’m going home and I’m fucking chicks.
My current gf is far more conservative than I am so I’ve toned down a lot but my joke has always been my grandma thought I was gay and asked my cousin once. He told her I’m not because he’s walked in on me so many times having sex with girls lol.
Moral of the story, don’t give a fuck what people think. Do you and if doing you is being gay then be fucking gay. Own it. Trust people like me will have your back if some dickhead pushes back.
I’m with John Waters. We need to bring perverts back into fashion.
kakistocracy - see South Africa. Lol