So if I make a better car using customer feedback is the rights to the car really theirs because it was their opinions that went partially into the end product?
IP is a joke anyway. If you put information out into the world you don’t own it. Sorry, you can’t have it both ways. You can simultaneously support torrenting movies (I do, and I assume you do too), while also claiming you own your comments on the internet and no one can “pirate” them.
The problem is female and women aren’t grammatically equivalent, so you can’t just drop one in place of the other anytime you want. It bugs me when people say woman president. Imagine electing a man president. The correct word in that case is male. You’d be electing a male president. I don’t care about anyone’s politics. I’m just getting tired of people in suits on tv using poor language and being asked to be taken seriously. And I’m not singling out democrats. Republicans adopted that language too. There are people on tv who wouldn’t pass kindergarten telling us what they think will affect GDP.