Scared? The journalists shouldn’t be. They’ll never have to write about it.
Every major news organization is owned by a small handful of people playing for the same team. Internet exposure? Maybe for a few minutes before your site is delisted/deranked and/or taken down by a barrage of nonsense DCMA takedown notices that are effective immediately (with no evidence) but to reverse them you need to painstakingly disprove each: to both your provider and the claimant.
Time to accept that we’re juuuust at the tipping point of freedom of speech and expression. Slip a bit more and we’re sliding right into an identical situation as seen in China, North Korea, and Russia. Remind me… who does the head apricot idolize? Neat.
Dispatched spiritually. Much faster and the angels don’t cost our government a dime! Check mate socialists!