umm, piracy bro. Pirating sports streams or torrents is an ancient practice, check out [email protected] their megathread, ask their or check out the freemediaheckyeah site (you find it on their subreddit).
for news I use an arabic site called Kooora I don’t know what English site is popular, using a British free VPN you can view youtube videos of highlights from their local channels, they make these highlights cuz they hold copyrights.
I’m not urging you to watch football, just that not having money isn’t a reason not to do so.
underrated comment
that steals your discord auth token
the general census on this thread is that he war over-exaggerating, he meant that it tricks you into inserting you Credential
hmm yeah most likely. I forgot to add a question mark at the end of my reply, maybe it’s not the case, maybe
so, he just over-exaggerated things here, actually when you click there is a page that asks you for your creditentials and kids get tricked to enter them
aah, so in this trick I have to enter my creditentials again,
I don’t understand, as you said the hacker’s server requests my credits, so am I not supposed to be prompted to accept something by the browser or Discord app? Twitter and Google usually prompt you and require you to click “allow”
I don’t know what to say about people who I told about lichess but still think is better
but CD-R aren’t rewrite_able because of their physical property not because protected
deleted by creator
thank you! I think this is what needed to explore
It is not my level to edit these things, I’m just Linux newbie exploring the possibilities.
But I still can’t wrap my head over dd not being able to wipe a storage device out, despite being described as a “low level tool that can write zeroes to targets” in the discussion I viewed online.
I don’t know I got it from this post by the ByteByteGo Youtube Channel:
On the description for this video they state:
Animation tools: Adobe Illustrator and After Effects.
hmm, so this is not a constant thing among BIOSes and UEFIs
what about this answer ? Is it outdated ? According to it, UEFI could be mounted like a flash drive I understand ?
I’m satisfied with the answers and insights I got so far. But if you may add I’d be happy to know why factorization of prime numbers is so crucial in cryptography. I heard about this a lot before but don’t know anything. I know quite well about Prime number and theorems about them on math, but not their applications
Thank you! extremely helpful answer
so you can encrypt a message with my public key but you cannot decrypt it afterward ??
Oh! I remember these steps being explained on a youtube video before. So the point is that the padlock (that Adam received on the third paragraph) is like a program on my windows desktop, I can run it (here like Adam uses it to encrypt the date), I can copy it and send it to a friend, but I can’t read the code which is compiled through an unknown language (i.e even if snooper received the padlock he can’t figure out how to unlock it and decrypt the data)?
you actually drew this !!?