Spaceballs over Blazing Saddles?
Spaceballs over Blazing Saddles?
Mullholland Drive is fucking fantastic and I almost put it on the list over Blue Velvet. I’m sure this will forever be debated by film nerds as long film nerds continue to exist. There’s something about that heightened, unreal 80’s vibe in Blue Velvet, plus what a fuckin’ cast. I also like the “dark side of a quaint small town” theme, which reminds me of his work in Twin Peaks a bit, where Mullholland Drive feels more like he’s expressing more a criticism(?) of the place Hollywood occupies in the cultural consciousness. I’m a sucker for a suburban dystopia, it feels more relatable. Ultimately though, Mullholland Drive feels like a second take on the same kind of ideas, and it’s glossier and more plotty, but I personally I like the smaller, more raw version. Lynch was a master of the medium and almost all of his films are either outright masterpieces or at least incredibly artistic curiosities.
And Airplane!
My top 3 best (but not favorite) movies:
This is hard. In the discussion:
Good call on your picks, all three masterpieces, and two of the three your friend picked definitely qualify. Shawshank is a fine movie but doesn’t belong among the greatest films ever made, imo. I think it just played on TV constantly in the late 90s and early 00s so people have affection for it.
I am about 40 years old, for context.
Heat is a good pull, Michael Mann honks.
It’s not my job to know what the powers he has are. That’s why I’m not in his position. It’s well within my rights to demand my government do it’s damn job. If him keeping his job means nothing, why do we care in the first place?
I dunno but one would hope he’d take advantage of this decision as effectively as he can, given that his office fights corruption and is threatened by said corruption. It’d be nice for something to matter.
Okay Dellinger, you better fucking do something about all this corruption then.
Yes, this is Linux. If your hardware is supported, it’s outstanding. If not, you will need to figure it out yourself. Vetting purchases for compatibility is the most important part. As a bonus, it also makes you vote with your wallet for the manufacturers that don’t do a bunch of proprietary bullshit.
ABACABB - MK blood code
Down up left left A Right Down (DULLARD) - MK cheat menu
Up C Down C Left C Right C Hold A+Start - Sonic 2 debug mode
My friend’s uncle was a cop, I met him when we went on a boat trip. As a way to convey how great being a cop was, he told me how on his first day he told his supervisor he wanted to arrest someone, so they found a homeless person, beat them, and arrested them. He laughed and laughed at this. I was appalled, and told him so. He laughed harder and called me a pussy.
He’s a judge now.
As a person with ADHD, I can’t NOT have many tasks running simultaneously, but also I never finish anything, so my list is expands and expands until I have a mental break and throw it all away.
I would not recommend.
Never could get the hang of Thursdays.
She drives me crazy.
Yeah, to each their own, but if you think this, you don’t understand why people like Star Trek.
Excellent taste. I had a silver bugeye, one of the prettiest cars ever in my opinion. Was my first actually fast car. Those MR2s are rad as well, poor man’s Elise. I’m a Miata driver, they feel like kin.
1997 Mazda Miata. Simple, reliable, easy to repair, incredible aftermarket support, huge community with a ton of knowledge, and an absolute joy to drive.
Plus the headlights go up and down.
A testament to Matt Groening’s excellent character design, lol. Instantly recognizable even here.