Maybe that one god is just plural
Maybe that one god is just plural
Yeah, the marketplace of ideas doesn’t really work because people can just lie and other manipulative tactics, and people (yes, you and me too) fall for it (you are not immune to propaganda).
That was kinda my dream as a kid, not that I knew those words. I guess it still is, but there are other decent possibilities too that seem more likely.
Mine isn’t very reliable. I feel thirsty while the pee’s clear, or sometimes not thirsty while it’s medium yellow. Or I just have ADHD.
If ADHD has explanatory power for you, I don’t see the issue with self diagnosis. It’s not like diagnoses are zero-sum.
Wait, the bases are numbered?
I’m always surprised when somebody makes the same exact dyslexic mistake I made.
This is secretly advocating for the flat Earth
I know, and most people who say that have no idea what the other person is feeling. Perhaps it is worse, but at some point big number + 1 stops mattering.
Assuming the Catholic you’re talking to recognizes asexuality exists. It’s funny that accepting asexuality is a way out of blasphemy here though.
“It could be worse” says someone who’s never experienced depression in their life to someone who’s been suicidal for half their life.
Low standards indeed.
Most people believe shit without checking. Even I forget to use my brain frequently. I used to believe in the market place of ideas, but that got millions dead of COVID and fascists winning on platforms they completely lied about, so I don’t think the market works.
I’ve not heard it overused. Now, if your definition of racism is “has a deep hatred of some race” then I can see why you’d think that. Most people don’t hate other races, we just do the occasional racism without even thinking about it.
Is that the only MLK quote you know? It’s a little overused I think, I wish people would use anything else he said.
I know people with neither and both, so uhhh, which one?
I like making these less likely, but I know my government’s just gonna pump more money into cops and surveillance rather than do anything effective like making people less disenfranchised and desperate.
I get the joke, but I just want to clarify to readers that plurality does not imply they/them pronouns.