Could the sweetened drinks we're consuming be making us feel a little more anxious? A 2022 study looking at the effects of the artificial sweetener aspartame on mice suggests that it's a possibility that's worth investigating further.
It’s not astroturfing it’s people sick of these studies where they pump ungodly amounts of aspartame into mice until they get a reaction. Aspartame doesn’t do anything at the levels humans consume it, it’s one of the most studied compounds in food.
Ultimately life causes cancer. All of these things accelerate the speed that cancer tends to develop but, well… I doubt a cigarette a day will significantly impact your life expectancy. The dose makes the poison, after all.
By all means, the Earth goes through cyclical changes. The current change is completely out of line with natural cycles, however. With the amount of data we’ve collected on the subject, you’d have to be an absolute braindead moron to disagree with that at this point.
So, no, you have no evidence to back up the assertion, it’s just how you feel.
Use your head for more than memes.
If blaming me for your inability to back up your claims is your definition “using your head” I’m happy to continue going through life without doing so.
That’s my take, but It took overloading on sugar to get me there. My grandma made southern sweet tea as she called it. It was like sugar water lol. We went out to eat 10 years ago and I was thirsty, had 3 large glasses of sweet tea before the food came, spent most of the time in the bathroom and could no longer stand sugary drinks. Unsweet tea, or half as much simple syrup if I can choose.
Wow, lots of astroturfed opinions defending aspartame.
It’s not astroturfing it’s people sick of these studies where they pump ungodly amounts of aspartame into mice until they get a reaction. Aspartame doesn’t do anything at the levels humans consume it, it’s one of the most studied compounds in food.
It still tastes shit though.
Worse are the drinks that took half the sugar out, but pumped sweeteners in as well, so you still get fat and now it tastes crap too.
And cigarettes don’t cause cancer, and burning fossil fuels doesn’t cause global warming, and…
Ultimately life causes cancer. All of these things accelerate the speed that cancer tends to develop but, well… I doubt a cigarette a day will significantly impact your life expectancy. The dose makes the poison, after all.
they don’t
smoking a pack a day raises the possibility of cancer
drinking 20l of diet coke a day would probably also cause anxiety
climate change is natural. Ice age didn’t end because of fossil fuels
By all means, the Earth goes through cyclical changes. The current change is completely out of line with natural cycles, however. With the amount of data we’ve collected on the subject, you’d have to be an absolute braindead moron to disagree with that at this point.
Any evidence to back up the assertion that they are shills, or is it just an empty ad hominem because you can’t address an actual point?
To be clear, fuck that aspartame garbage.
Any reason you think I should care about your opinion on anything, at all?
But to address your question, maybe it has something to do with walls of replies that read like a PR script. Use your head for more than memes.
So, no, you have no evidence to back up the assertion, it’s just how you feel.
If blaming me for your inability to back up your claims is your definition “using your head” I’m happy to continue going through life without doing so.
You do you, bro/chick.
Yes, I definitely plan to do that. Thanks for the permission. Lol
I mean, if the choice is between sugar and aspartame… seems like an easy choice to make - the science should speak for itself
I’ve been dabbling with stevia but last time I put to packets in my tea and it was apparently too much and I did not feel well after
Choice should be sugar, just a lot less of it
That’s my take, but It took overloading on sugar to get me there. My grandma made southern sweet tea as she called it. It was like sugar water lol. We went out to eat 10 years ago and I was thirsty, had 3 large glasses of sweet tea before the food came, spent most of the time in the bathroom and could no longer stand sugary drinks. Unsweet tea, or half as much simple syrup if I can choose.
I tried stevia, also, and it’s too sweet.
Glad to see the “everything positive is astroturfing” clowns made their way over from reddit, too.
The important thing is you found a way to feel superior to both without needing to voice your opinion.