You’re right that the distinction has fallen through a bit since some of the targets appeared to be PMU sites which were officially recognized as state forces by Iraq in 2016.
I tried searching it and maybe it’s a bit early but when CNN reported on it they weren’t able to verify the number or nature of the casualties other than taking the word of Iraqi sources or officials who claim 16 dead and 25 wounded. One thing that doesn’t seem to be contested is that the means were precision guided projectiles and the targets, 85 in total, were either weapon stockpiles or militant headquarters although I admit it wouldn’t surprise me if the “militant headquarters” were just people’s homes. The USA claims they informed Iraq ahead of the strikes, which lasted a total of 30 minutes, but Iraq refutes this.
From my perspective it looks like the weapons being used were state supplied and kept inside populated areas along the border, and the USA response was to disarm them with minimal casualties, but I don’t want to make any statements with certainty because it’s all a matter of perspective.
Bom-bom-bomb, bom-bom-Iran.
None of the attacks have been in Iran.
Also, Biden isn’t fighting the two nations officially as the millitant group responsible isn’t officially with either of them.
There are already civilian casualties so that’s entirely irrelevant.
If you hit civilians of a nation you attack the nation.
You’re right that the distinction has fallen through a bit since some of the targets appeared to be PMU sites which were officially recognized as state forces by Iraq in 2016.
I tried searching it and maybe it’s a bit early but when CNN reported on it they weren’t able to verify the number or nature of the casualties other than taking the word of Iraqi sources or officials who claim 16 dead and 25 wounded. One thing that doesn’t seem to be contested is that the means were precision guided projectiles and the targets, 85 in total, were either weapon stockpiles or militant headquarters although I admit it wouldn’t surprise me if the “militant headquarters” were just people’s homes. The USA claims they informed Iraq ahead of the strikes, which lasted a total of 30 minutes, but Iraq refutes this.
From my perspective it looks like the weapons being used were state supplied and kept inside populated areas along the border, and the USA response was to disarm them with minimal casualties, but I don’t want to make any statements with certainty because it’s all a matter of perspective.
Personally, I think the US should take the opportunity to hit the Shahed factories while they’re in the area.
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It is widely believed that Israel has nuclear weapons, but they have never officially confirmed it.
Bomb Iran, bake the land.
Guys, Barbara Ann.