Least rapey pope moment
Is this pope rapey?
Tarantino suddenly interested in applying for position of Pope.
Dan “The Pope” Schneider
He seems really into it.
That’s not the Pope, but the iCarly backstage.
“if I do this in front of the cameras, maybe they’ll forget about me helping all those diddlers”
Clearly you have never watched Ren and Stimpy.
Happy Maundy Thursday guys. My favorite day of the year 😏
He Gets Sus
slobber… slobber…
Begone, slobbermouth!
So, what is the actual context of this?
There’s (apparently? I’m not Christian and I only heard about it recently) a thing where the pope goes to a prison and washes the feet of twelve of the incarcerated in Rome I think during holy week. It’s religious symbolism, some form of inclusion, something to do with the last supper and Jesus washing the feet of his disciples? Again, not Christian (grew up in a cult) so definitely not Catholic and that’s the most I’m confident saying without exposing some huge misunderstanding I have of Christianity.
This is the article I found on it happening most recently. A quick glance found it happened at least back in 2018, maybe (probably?) earlier.
He gets us.
Actually I think it’s a jab at Dan Schneider. He’s said to be obsessed with feet…specifically kid feet.
He was also responsible for most of the live action Nickelodeon (kids programming TV chanel in the States) shows of the 00s.
There’s been rumors of Schneider being a bit handsy (or more) with the talent since forever. Apparently he’s getting in the news a bit about it lately and Kenan Thompson (a Nick star of the era, from All That and Good Burger and Keenan and Kel (which I think spun off the Amanda Show? He’s on SNL now) has been talking about it.
Oh no, I knew about the creepy foot guy already. I meant what is the context of the pope, the leader of one of the largest religions in the world kissing someone’s foot.
Oh that’s just a ritual where the Pope washes people’s feet as a sign of servitude to the people, in the same way Jesus did for his disciples.
Also this happens on “holy Thursday” to commemorate Jesus’ last supper with his disciples.
The fact that this happened on Thursday around the same time as the Nickelodeon scandal is what’s linking the two topics together into funny meme.
Oh Jesus washed his followers’ feet right before dying so now his followers do the same. The intent is “I came not to be served but to serve and you are to be servants to all” humbling and whatnot. Never mind that nobody shows up to tjr pope on foot washing day with “I just walked across the desert in sandals” gross feet or even “I just walked across Italy in boots and am kinda sweaty” gross feet
Really at the foot of a fetish huh
This is why AI-generated images are dangeous /s