I truly believe if the US went to shit California, Oregon and Washington would end up as one of the resulting territories. It makes a lot of geopolitical sense.
As someone who grew up in rural Washington on the threshold of populated Washington, yeah shit gets pretty fucked really quick in those rural areas.
It was a really religious area as well so that really didn’t help. The local religious people have a strong belief in having as many children as possible as soon as possible. The running non-joke (because it’s common) about it is the first kid to turn 16 drives the 3rd van.
Damn, America’s really fucking dumb.
Florida* I’m from California and I’ll be damned if I’m lumped in with most of the rest of the US (Oregon and Washington are great though).
From your PNW neighbor, thanks!
We’re a great coalition of states, even with the red areas we have to drag kicking and screaming into this century.
I truly believe if the US went to shit California, Oregon and Washington would end up as one of the resulting territories. It makes a lot of geopolitical sense.
BC joins and we become Cascadia!
(except I could have sworn it included California originally. It does for me!)
Marylander here, and I resent that! Don’t lump us east-coasters in with whatever the fuck is going on down south!
Eh, the populated areas of Oregon and Washington are chill. The rural areas are scary.
As someone who grew up in rural Washington on the threshold of populated Washington, yeah shit gets pretty fucked really quick in those rural areas.
It was a really religious area as well so that really didn’t help. The local religious people have a strong belief in having as many children as possible as soon as possible. The running non-joke (because it’s common) about it is the first kid to turn 16 drives the 3rd van.