“Cheating bitch.”
Why did they ever decide to stop integrating whiskey flaps on modern computers?
What a waste of whisky.
It’s her fault for cheating. Besides, only so much time left to make the most of the opportunity. And hey, one last bottle left to wait this out… see what happens.
If you never watched it, enjoy! A horror classic
The original, “The Thing From Another World,” is a truly terrible B-movie classic worthy of MST3K! Totally worth watching to see the masterpiece they turned the story into. The Mary Elizabeth Winstead one, same name, different movie, wasn’t too bad either.
“Who goes there”, John Campbell, 1938.
(And I seem to recall more movies that are rehashes of that novella.)
Horror Express with Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee, which I’ve never seen. William F Nolin, who did Logan’s Run, wrote a version, but it was never filmed. Couldn’t really find any others, but I’m sure there are.
I also just found out tonight that there’s a fan film called The Thing Returns that looks so terrible I have to see it.
Also, there’s The Thing video game for PS2, Xbox, and Windows. Carpenter apparently considers it to be a canon sequel and the events in it clarify what happens at the end of the first movie.
I want to see the practical efffects cut!
Just a Thing.
Snake Plissken Escapes from Antarctica
After that, he decides to change his name and retires to the Carribean.
Well if it’s going to happen, it’s going to happen out there …
I’d explain but it’s a whole Thing.
Totally unrelated but can you come back out to the chopper with me and help me find my bag real quick? Yeah, just you its not heavy.
I miss the days when movies would have like 1 big name actor, a solid side guy or two, and the rest was just regular looking people.
If this were made right now, the team would be Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence, Emma Stone, the Rock, Timothee Chalamett, Ed Norton, Brad Pitt and Christoph waltz…
Where’s diabeetus?
I never will. All time favorite horror movie, bar none.
I was gonna comment on the Chad on the right, then saw that this was a movie and that’s Kurt Russle. He rocks.