Everything you own, everything you use collects data. I’m tired of being profiled and analysed. Even a GPU now collects data about me, where does it stop ?
It’s a beta. They need to know how things are performing and being used so they can see things that need fixing and prioritize changes that will have the largest effect. Without data they’re blind and you get worse drivers. Just don’t sign up for the beta if you don’t want to participate in beta testing. It’s easy.
Can we just not live in a fucking dystopian world ?
Not really sure how this is “dystopian”. Could you explain? It’s a beta program specifically for data collecting.
Everything you own, everything you use collects data. I’m tired of being profiled and analysed. Even a GPU now collects data about me, where does it stop ?
It’s a beta. They need to know how things are performing and being used so they can see things that need fixing and prioritize changes that will have the largest effect. Without data they’re blind and you get worse drivers. Just don’t sign up for the beta if you don’t want to participate in beta testing. It’s easy.