I initially thought this domain was a content farm, all generated articles. But reading through it, looking at the history, looking at the context, on the balance of probabilities it looks like a human actually wrote these.
When introducing articles to a domain that looks suspicious, you got to give us more context than a link. Everyone’s going to think it’s just spam
Oh 100%. Privacy guides is great. No question about them. I was referring to the original posters domain in the original message. That domain just didn’t have a reputation, kind of looked like spam. So that’s why I was trying to give them feedback
I initially thought this domain was a content farm, all generated articles. But reading through it, looking at the history, looking at the context, on the balance of probabilities it looks like a human actually wrote these.
When introducing articles to a domain that looks suspicious, you got to give us more context than a link. Everyone’s going to think it’s just spam
They have a github where you can see all the changes that are being made. https://github.com/privacyguides/privacyguides.org/releases
Oh 100%. Privacy guides is great. No question about them. I was referring to the original posters domain in the original message. That domain just didn’t have a reputation, kind of looked like spam. So that’s why I was trying to give them feedback