Yea calf cramps are bad but have you ever had chin cramps
I’m scared to yawn bro. Oh my god it’s awful.
Fucking hell FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE THAT GETS THEM! I really thought I was alone as none of my friends ever had it. It get it roughly once a year and yeah it’s worse than calf cramps.
I even managed to get an armpit cramp once. Not so fun either.
Chin cramp gang rise up. U remain the unicorn of the armpit cramp, that sounds agonizing, sorry for ur loss.
It happens to me at least once a month. I’ll yawn more than once in a row and if I’m not careful they’ll get me.
You likely have a potassium deficit. I had cramps all the time until I took vitamin supplements that contain potassium. No more cramps.
Of course you can also just eat healthier and get potassium that way. Supplements aren’t necessarily the solution for you.
Also check out NuSalt, it’s a salt substitute that is pure potassium. Way cheaper than supplements, my local grocery store sells a container for under $2.