Edit: lol yeah, I deserve this, I teed it up rather magnificently.
There’s not much left of the Mer de Glace glacier, but every year they still carve a giant ice tunnel into it so you can walk into a glacier. Pretty fascinating
Your mom!
But seriously, a pyramid at Giza. Pretty warm in there after 3500 years in the sun.
Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque in Istanbul.
Built in 537 by the late Romans and still standing even though it’s in a relatively active earthquake zone, it’s amazing it’s been around for 1500 years without collapsing. The central dome is so huge and so high, it’s amazing to think how they built it back then without modern machinery or technology.
IIRC it did collapse, though very early on in its life. Like, barely after it was built. Got hit by earthquakes. But it was repaired, obviously.
So the answer is Maintenance.
I bet some bridges in America could do with some of that.
For sure. Canada too. Actually, the whole continent could use a tune-up and some anti-corruption updates.
The Cologne Cathedral.
It took 500 years to build it.
That is so many generations. Imagine you are just the 4. architect. Your great grandfather has started it, but you did not know this man. Somehow the plans have been passed down to you, but of course there were changes… Somebody after you is going to finish it. You do not know how it’s going to look in the end, because there will be more changes later. If they will be able to finish it at all…
Must be kinda frustrating to be the second generation or something. You didn’t start it, and you’ll never see it to be finished, not even close. You’re just kinda there.
You might not see it as clearly, but that’s our role in society as well
I think Americans are having a vote like that right now: spend continually either on the climate to see a change in 200 years, or on rich people.
I got to climb into a particle accelerator to look at the acceleration coils. Pretty cool.