Why is it always a strawman with you people. Crowder is on video verbally abusing and degrading his wife, among the constant garbage hate, propaganda and misinformation he spews. He is a piece of shit and I could do without seeing his face. Even if you agree with his politics, he’s a sniveling smug asshole and has been a provocateur for years. I’ll take calvin any day
Do you not know what strawman means? There’s plenty of people in memes I don’t like, e.g. Zuckerberg, Alex Jones, etc. But I don’t demand they no longer be a meme because I don’t agree with them. Your life must be so taxing if you care so much about a silly meme format.
It is a strawman because you are clearly underselling the problem with Crowder and misrepresenting the point. It’s not just “I don’t like him”. It seems you care a lot more about this meme format than you let on.
We must cleanse reality itself from people we don’t like. If someone has so much uttered one problematic world in the course of their lives, they’re a Nazi chud, they must be killed, and their memory damned.
Anything less and you may as well be genociding minorities.
Oh no someone I don’t like is in a meme format.
Why is it always a strawman with you people. Crowder is on video verbally abusing and degrading his wife, among the constant garbage hate, propaganda and misinformation he spews. He is a piece of shit and I could do without seeing his face. Even if you agree with his politics, he’s a sniveling smug asshole and has been a provocateur for years. I’ll take calvin any day
Do you not know what strawman means? There’s plenty of people in memes I don’t like, e.g. Zuckerberg, Alex Jones, etc. But I don’t demand they no longer be a meme because I don’t agree with them. Your life must be so taxing if you care so much about a silly meme format.
It is a strawman because you are clearly underselling the problem with Crowder and misrepresenting the point. It’s not just “I don’t like him”. It seems you care a lot more about this meme format than you let on.
We must cleanse reality itself from people we don’t like. If someone has so much uttered one problematic world in the course of their lives, they’re a Nazi chud, they must be killed, and their memory damned.
Anything less and you may as well be genociding minorities.
Mmmm that’s the violent extremism in the name of tolerance I love. 💕 slay queen slay
People are extremists in the name of torrents? 🤔 I didn’t know pirating was that damn serious
Yeah I wouldn’t mind beheading a congressperson that passes networking laws which hinder piracy
I mean, I would do the same in regards to a lot of laws. We really gotta pull a France, people.
Damn it haha, fixed