Have you seen the elf care system in this country!?
Mine are still in storage.
I want to be a dentist
Just fixing these dolls’ teeth.
Trapped under cat. Send help.
A dwarf at elf practice? I’d never live it down.
Ich dachte es wäre um elf!
I thought it was at eleven!
Elf is german for eleven.I have a note
Please excuse 👍Maximum Derek👍 from elf practice today. He had to had tummy trouble while visiting his grandma who died and then had to go to the dentist.
-- Mrs 👍Maximum Derek👍’s Mom
Because I’m a Dwarf.
I can’t get it to come down
I’m still in storage in Tacoma.
I’ve already passed my certification tests. No more practice for me!
I’ve fallen and can’t get up.
Too busy scaling a mountain at a near 90 degree angle because I crave that mineral.
Timezones mean I am not able to make it.