Kind of a follow up from my question from a few days ago, for me just depresses me and usually I’m working or worried about stuff anyways so I don’t know how to enjoy festivities, plus being eternally alone without a partner makes things even sadder. Xmas is more of a post it of how much my life has failed.

    3 months ago

    I used to has Xmas after becoming an adult because what it stood for, for me, was a bunch of shit : capitalism, using a fake demi god to discipline your kids, and a zombie demi god it’s supposed to be dedicated to when we decorate trees which come from the religions that were stomped into hiding.

    But I started to realize that winter fucking sucks. It’s depressing as fuck. It made me realize that we need holidays in the winter to help us get through it. There is joy in company if you can look past minor shit and flaws of family, and if you can’t then there is the company of friends. Holidays are a reminder that we thrive best in communities and it’s a chance to reconnect.

    So whether you decide to celebrate that gathering by decorating a plastic tree or by having a hedonistic feast or even an orgy, do something for the holidays that mean something to you.