Irrelevant comment, sorry
Quite lame, but online classes in middle school. At the time I didn’t have neither a computer nor a usable internet connection (just stealing neigbor’s WiFi). So I didn’t have to attend those.
Instead, the school set up a lockdown exception for the few of us that didn’t have internet. So there were 3 of us from whole school. The only time school actually worked and wasn’t boring because there was 1 teacher for just 3 kids instead of 20-30. Just calm, quiet classes with nearly full engagement.
Another thing I liked was the CRT TV that was in the class. I have an NES game console from AliExpress I got for €4. During breaks I could finally get to enjoy that on CRT. It looks so much better on CRT rather than LCD.Anyway, sadly this had to be shutdown shortly after because someone wrong found about it. Such classes weren’t officially allowed, those teachers just wanted to help us.
But I am not sure I understood your question. There’s a good chance I didn’t.
my question is like if everyone got in trouble except you (trouble was the thing you escaped)
I feel like this works. “I was the only one to escape the disaster that was remote learning”
Sorry. I collapsed the comment. Consider it deleted.
It was interesting, though.
I had a pretty solid career , in the Navy, and now I am an electrical engineer, with a pretty awesome family, and we own our own home.
I have two siblings.
My older brother lives in a trailer, can’t keep a real job and only ever calls to ask for money.
My older sister has had six kids with four different men. I don’t take her calls because she just up and abandoned four of her kids. (Then had her sixth kid with the fourth father).
I have no idea how I avoided that white trash destiny and I am racked with “survivors guilt”.
Your siblings could have ADHD. Inability to keep jobs, troubles with money, early/often pregnancy, and promiscuity are all symptoms.
As the other person said, don’t do this because you’re wrong to say it but…
What kind of arrogant asshole diagnoses people with ADHD with absolutely zero context? You, I guess. What’s the point, their lives are fucked up by their own hand whether they have ADHD or not. ADHD doesn’t make someone have a bunch of kids (despite your claim, that’s not how it works). ADHD doesn’t make people have miserable “white trash” (per the commenter) lives. It only makes it harder to thrive.
I didn’t diagnose them. I said they could have it. It makes it harder to thrive if it isn’t treated. I had two important adults in my life get diagnosed recently and they are so relieved to begin understanding their executive deficits, and knowing their history it seems much clearer now why they were struggling. I only brought it up because if they are untreated, they could potentially have easier lives by finding treatment. I’m sad to see that so many people were offended by my mere suggestion that they could be affected. The disorder is hereditary, but not every relative is affected. Having ADHD doesn’t make you a shitty person, but it’s more likely you end up in bad situations when you have less control of yourself.
Please educate yourself more and stop believing that a condition like that makes you a bad person capable of abandoning your children and alienating your family
Whole family is stuck in a made up reality where my birth father isn’t an abusive sociopath and excuse his actions by circling the wagons. I was able to see the truth and get out, but my siblings are all stuck in the cycle of abuse and likely won’t ever leave.
I’m sorry to hear that.
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Does Covid count? I still haven’t caught it. Yet.
A vaccine booster puts me out for a day with chills and a mild fever (Advil helps!) so I really would prefer not to find out what an actual infection does.
The vaccine gave me, at worst, a sore arm for a couple days. The actual infection knocked me completely out for 3 days. I had enough energy to microwave and eat food a couple times a day, and sleep.
Yeah, so by extrapolation, the actual infection would cook my brain. Good safety tip.
Yeah, my infection was 4-5 months after the last booster too, so there’s even a chance I still had a little bit of protection going in. No long term effects thankfully, though exercise was really rough for a month or two afterwards, which really worried me.
Same. Then covid got me. Was sick for a week but had the worst shortness of breath that finally got better after a year of inhalers.
On the other hand, my friends felt like it was just a bad cold. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I had COVID very early on. It had me coughing enough I started coughing up blood. It took over a year for the chest pains to clear. The vaccine barely felt like a speed bump, by comparison.
My second case of COVID was like very mild flu. Enough to notice (and so test for) but didn’t really take me out. (Yes, I still quarantined despite that)
I saw someone refer to themselves as a “novid” recently and I love it
But that weird yet. Would you think I wanted to see Evil Dead 2?
“Yet” because I have a couple of work trips coming up this fall. Commercial airplanes are flying Petri dishes of viruses and bacteria. The worst illnesses (flu and colds) I’ve had historically were following air travel.
Same, so no.
I was in this boat all while living in a major city during peak pandemic. I was even the designated errand runner and grocery-getter while mask mandates were still all over the place and never caught it.
3 years later and we’ve moved to an isolated rural farmhouse with no neighbors and few interactions with other people at all end then I get it lol
Every dream I’ve ever had. Far as I know, I am the only one to survive them ending.
My whole class at school got mono.
Had a really bad feeling, so I bailed on a new year’s Eve party right before a huge contingent of cops showed up to bust it. 100+ people got nailed after I was walking down the block watching 8 cop cars en route to the venue.
I have managed to leave Ukraine on February 24th, less than an hour before the border was closed.
In july two of my friends and i got punched on the street by robbers, however i managed to escape without anything taken from me thanks to a person who threw a rock at them.
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- There’s nothing wrong with the wording of the question at all. The quotes make it perfectly readable in exactly the way OP intended.
- Regardless, who gives a fuck if English is their second language? If you can understand what they’re asking for, why does it matter?
I don’t understand the confusion. The question reads perfectly normal to me unless if it was changed?
It may not have been your intention but your comment came out dickish. Since your English is so good you should be able to phrase things better.