Subs? Not sure if that’s the right term on here.
They’re Communities here!
OP was clearly talking about BDSM. Now he’s too embarrassed to correct us and is continuing with this whole communities / magazine charade.
Ohh thus the /c/ that I see being referenced right?
Thanks for clarifying that!
Yup, although on kbin they’re called “magazines”, so their urls start with
, e.g., but jeez, Magazine is a pretty terrible name for what it’s attempting to describe… Don’t get me wrong, they can call their communities whatever the hell they want but it feels like they’re bending over backwards to avoid saying ‘community’ only to settle on a name that doesn’t even make sense. Magazines are something meant to be consumed, they’re a one way street. Communities on the other hand are a place where you’re ideally both reading and contributing. Lemmy/kbin doesn’t work without active users contributing content and joining discussions. At least reddit’s jargon had some logic to it reddit -> subreddit aka sub-community on reddit.
I agree, and I still don’t even know if they mean magazine as in the publication or as in the thing that holds ammunition - both make about the same amount of sense to me.
I find kbin more confusing overall, e.g. how you have both boost and voting available, but then for short posts boost is more obviously placed (since the up/downvote buttons are way over on the right).
They mean as in publication.
Boost is favourite/retweet.
When I first joined kbin the boost button had an upvote function and the upvote button had a favourite function and didn’t affect upvotes, but the dev swapped them because we were all too confused.
Ah, they’d changed it? That explains my confusion - I already had a Mastodon account so I was familiar with the boost concept, apart from how it worked in a threaded setup.
Anyway, yeah - confusing!
I think we have it because Kbin federates with Mastodon via the microblog section - this is also why it has two kinds of posts, “articles” (like lemmy posts) and “posts” (like Mastodon toots).
It’s super confusing at first but once you get used to it, it’s pretty cool.
Magazine like you put into a weapon actually applies very well to certain communities if you really think about it.
The original definition of “magazine” was simply “warehouse”. A place where you amassed a bunch of stuff. This usage is still around, but it’s rare.
At the time, the military was perhaps the most prominent entity creating these well-stocked warehouses, so the specific linking of “magazine” to “military warehouse” was a natural progression. And as we all are familiar now, it later morphed into a word to describe a chamber of bullets. In a sense, a tiny little military warehouse you attach to your gun.
The definition referring to a paper catalog getting mailed to your house full of random written articles comes from one very specific one, named Gentleman’s Magazine. It was named that because it thought itself a magazine (a warehouse) of information.
I assume kbin was thinking of the latter when using the term to describe its communities. Though, considering the right-wing bias of its target audience, I expect the wordplay with the ammunition definition was also intended.
Wait, kbin is right wing?
Yeah, the “technical” name for what people call magazines is “periodicals”
I tought it was for channel
Yes, although I recommend against using /c/ because it doesn’t actually link to the community. I also recommend against typing out the full URL (e.g. because it might cause issues for people in different instances.
The proper way to link to a community is [email protected]. For example, [email protected]
Yup! No worries.
Not short and snappy enough!!
…Comms? 🤔
Ok, and what how do you shorten it? No way I’m typing it out all the time it comes up. Comms seem to be appropriate
deleted by creator
Piracy and Risa are 90% of the reason I’m here.
If they didn’t want you to download stuff, they shouldn’t have given you a cool title like “pirate.”
Lmao! What would be a good alternate title in your opinion? :D
Personal archivist
I hope you all live up to the title and keep everything stored and seeding :)
Corsair or privateer
Ooh, I like privateer. Sounds so official, just like they were back in the day 😄
Legitimate Salvager
Oh gosh no, we keep it Pirates. Yarrr!
I’ve never liked counterfeiter. I like to think that the money I make is artisinally crafted locally sourced currency.
deleted by creator
C/Risa is the reason I started watching Star Trek. Even without watching the show, they’ve got the best memes on lemmy.
Which series did you start with?
Currently about a season into Next Gen.
Oh man, I’m so excited for you. About halfway though Season 2 is when TNG really gets its legs.
Fucking perfect! Haha
TNG is where most people start, but I’d actually recommend watching the TOS movies first, personally. You can skip the first and fifth movie, the rest are pretty good.
I really enjoy TOS, but I know that a lot of people don’t have tolerance for 1960s productions. The TOS movies, starting with the second one, were made with a more modern style. You should watch them if only to get the proper impact from TNG’s ‘Relics’ episode.
Apparently you and I have polar opposite tastes in those areas. Risa was the first thing I blocked and I’ve been slowly working my way through blocking all the Piracy communities.
I’m here for formula 1, mechanical keyboards, and obscure stuff like weirdly specific playlists.
Where’s the mechanical keyboard communities? Not that I need to see any more kb things to waste my money on. 😂
You block piracy? Lol does getting shit for free bother you?
No, but not being able to have a reasonable discussion with another person without them resorting to nonsense arguments of no merit or personal attacks does bother me.
I have made the personal choice that YouTube premium is a valuable service to me and that I would rather pay for it than go through the rigmarole of PiHole/ad blockers/ripping.
Apparently that makes me a sheep, retard, loser, bitch to corporations, boot licker, dick, uneducated, fuckwad. Just to name a few.
I believe downloading a digital copy of your property is 100% your right. ONLY after you have paid full price for it in a legal manner and if at all possible in physical media.
Apparently that means I’m a slave to the media, a Republican(?), don’t believe in personal rights, and am advocating for a return to absolute monarchy’s.
I believe that it is better to pay for services (even if they are created by mega corporations) and give money directly to the content creators whenever possible. Disney/Marvel, for instance, is massive and has many issues. That doesn’t mean that they didn’t create things that never existed before and deserve to be paid.
Apparently I’m no better than a terrorist against human rights, have no decency, must have had brain damage, and am begging to be ass raped by the elite just to be told I’m a good little consumer.
I believe that the definition of a hypocrite is somebody spouting their beliefs that all ads are evil, mega - corporations deserve to die, and that no content service deserves their money and then also screaming about work reform, and not getting paid a fair living wage, all jobs matter, etc.
Apparently this makes me a proponent for being a wage slave, a blinded consumerist, a white collar elitist who was raised to keep the people down, and a politician dick/cunt sucker, and a worshiper of alphabet, apple, Facebook, twitter and the like.
I loathe what reddit became but the general level of discourse was far more reasonable and measured then what I have experienced here on Lemmy. It’s actually frustrating. What happened to being able to disagree with someone and talk about it in measured responses and open discourse?
I feel like you’re the one sane person who’s willing to voice their opinions. While I do agree that piracy is a service problem in many cases, it’s genuinely insane how quickly the goalpost changes when the service in question is paid. Not enough people realize that creatives can’t make content without a budget to work with, and that budget has to come from somewhere.
It feels like goalpost moving has become a national past time for most places.
The thing I currently struggle with, but haven’t found an answer to, is deciding where the balance lies between affordable services and content creators earning an appropriate living.
I absolutely love Spotify. My current job has me listening to music for nearly 11 hours a day not including what gets played at home. Leaving aside the issue of discoverability, if I had to buy all the different albums I listen to from all the different artists I listen to my music budget would be a significant percentage of my yearly income.
I am keenly aware that Spotify does not pay the musicians well. The current compromise that I have is I buy albums or merch from the artists that I listen to the most or up and comings I want to support. Not perfect but it works right now.
I mean other services do pay music creators a lot more, namely Tidal and Apple Music. My issue is that I hate the idea of supporting Apple, and Spotify has unique social features that other services don’t.
I’m not paying for shit or watching ads. I do not care.
Thank you for making it easy to know who to block. I hope one day you are willing to have open communication with people you disagree with.
Me too. And I newly moved from reddit. 😂
Also look at Privacy Guide this will be helpful.
Tf is risa?
It’s usually a great place, but if you wear a Bikini there, Worf turns into a supervillain who controls the weather.
Superbowl is a great little sub, the main person behind it makes all these fantastic posts full of information and photos- I’ve learnt so much about owls in the last few weeks!
This was funnier on reddit where there could be only one “superbowl” sub and it was taken by enthusiasts of superb owls. It is less funny on a platform where “superbowl” on other instances can still be a community for Super Bowl fans.
I just joined it yesterday, I love it
I am glad! Lemmy needs more bright little corners of things to make people smile. It’s good to follow politics and news and tech, but those things are seldom positive stories.
With nobody else posting, I decided to make it what I wanted to see on Lemmy, so while I do post adorable but deadly birds, I also try to teach about them so we care about saving them and to spotlight the people that care for them when they’re injured.
Sometimes I’ll post about environmental concerns if it’s more important than usual, but it’s mainly just to give everyone, including myself, something to look forward to seeing.
If you’re non-US, I try to they’re in owls from around the world a few times a week, and if you have any questions it there’s something you want to see, just let me know!
Alright! Thank you! I really appreciate all your work and I enjoy reading the stories about the birds themselves and the teaching info too. It’s definitely a great community that I didn’t know I needed until I joined, it’s very positive like you said.
Between this and my crosspost to [email protected], this explains the higher number of subscribers this week. I was wondering what was going on!
Thanks for the promotion! I’m glad it’s something you think others should see.
I’ve had nothing but praise in the past, but I don’t really know you that way and I don’t go around advertising it
I’m upvoting you, but I’m not happy about it.
That’s entirely reasonable
Shameless plug, but if you’re into retro gaming at all then come check out
It’s the spiritual successor to my old somewhat popular subreddit of the same name where we cover topics related to programmable logic-based retro game hardware. If using bespoke (i.e.: Analogue Pocket) or open source (i.e.: MiSTer) hardware for high-accuracy emulation of retro gaming systems is something that you might be into, then fpgagaming is the new place on the fediverse to go. :)
^ link that will work in apps.
Removed by mod
You’ve got yourself a sub.
I like to call them sublemons.
What about sublemes
Here are some random communities that you may enjoy. As general tip: look for things you enjoy. For instance, there are plenty of communities about privacy and open source, food, climate, gaming, browsers, plants and animals, news, politics, sports, memes, you name it. I really like the trending communities; great way to find new communities or remind you to look for something you hadn’t thought about.
[email protected] (i love this one, but lately the number of posts seems to be less frequent) [email protected] (usually friendly and interesting to see what is going on in other people’s minds and participating in the discussions) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
I really like the trending communities; great way to find new communities…
Hmm, I don’t really get that. Most of the time “trending communities” seem to be newly-created communities with little if any content. Considering how common it is for people to grab a community name and sit on it indefinitely, I feel like the ‘trending detection’ formula could be tweaked to display newer communities with solid growth, instead.
…or remind you to look for something you hadn’t thought about.
I salute the spirit of that, but the number of healthy communities across the FV seems pretty limited so far. Sure, it’s not that hard to find ghost communities with search tools (I tend to use this one), but that’s kind of a bittersweet feeling.
That all depends on what you’re interested in. I’m assuming you’ve come from reddit, so you could try to find new homes for your subs, although tbh I don’t know if it’s up to date or not - there have been some instances die so the communities had to move.
[email protected] is pretty good for tech news. Better than the subreddit.
See if your local area has a community too. If you’re in the San Francisco Bay Area, there’s not a lot going on in [email protected] but at least it exists?
!sideoftheroadVery cool, thanks for sharing!
The term for subs on Lemmy is burrows, since that’s where lemmings live.
That said, I would recommend both [email protected] for the positive air and [email protected] for the negative crowd control.
The term for subs on Lemmy is burrows, since that’s where lemmings live.
Absolutely not.
Why not?
It’s cringey and awful
It’s subjective I guess, but a lot of people seem to fancy it.
They’re communities
I’m going by what I’ve seen a lot of people call them and fancy calling them.
Right, but the ‘c’ in the url literally stands for “community”
The R in a Reddit URL doesn’t stand for “subreddit”.
It stands for “reddit,” which was actually the official name they used for subreddits. They were actually supposed to be just called “reddits” (so like, “come visit the Gaming reddit!”), but that’s stupid so nobody called them that. The “/r/” is a vestige of that.
Quick Google search:
We actually called them “reddits” for a while. So you’d read your reddit on reddit, and maybe you’d reddit on your reddit on Reddit and… well that’s a lot of reddit-ing (the r/ is a vestige of this time as well). But that got pretty confusing, so we moved to “subreddit” (like sub-domain, but… reddit).
Which, according to Google’s AI, comes from this, but it’s reddit so I’m not going to bother reading it:
I know, just my point is people don’t always and don’t have to be conformative. It’s just one of those “it’s catching on” things. You and everyone may call it what one wants (nothing in TOS restricting that, as if I had to check), not sure why some things don’t sit well with certain people. I can link to my main source, but the OP/question was deleted, so yeah.
The term for subs on Lemmy is burrows, since that’s where lemmings live.
Shit. That’s good.
Stop what?
I recommend [email protected]
We have, uh, Warhammer 40k.
I play Clowns. Don’t tempt me with a good time.
Then come on in, you knife eared xeno.
We have like 8 units lol
Please, everyone go check out [email protected]
The man running is genuine and engaging, I learn more every time I visit ❤️